at some point of time you must have heard these two statements from someone’s mouth that How Unlucky you are or How Lucky You Are well two women have heard these statement many times in their lives First Women was 42 yrs Jessica who was the forensic scientist and used to find herself very Lucky, she had her dream job had a loving husband to whom she met luckily at a dinner party she had two lovely kids and was financially fit, she almost fulfilled all her dreams because of all these things she used to find herself very lucky in every aspect of her life on the other side was 27 year old Petrica used to find herself very Unlucky few years back she used to work for Airlines as A Cabin Crew where everyone gave her a title of unlucky person because at start of her career she faced an alcoholic who behaved so badly because of such behaviour Emergency Landing was done ThunderStorm Incident happened in her second flight, her other flights also faced many issues many unlucky things happens in her life, such has getting into wrong relationships whoever she used to wish luck, they used to get unlucky, like if she wish lucks someone for an interview that person used to get rejected, or that person use to get fail in their exams etc always present at the wrong place at the wrong time, because of such life experiences petrica used to feel that she is unlucky and people who’ll be around her will also have her bad luck now these two women and 400 more people who used to find themselves lucky or unlucky on such people Dr. Richard Wiseman Had Done A research for around 8 to 10 years to find out, like is it really true that some people are lucky like Jessica who gets best things in their lives and some are so unlucky that no matter what they do, they’ll always lack behind he started searching for many such questions and at the end of the research he concluded with an answer that yes actually there are people who’ll be lucky and people who’ll be unlucky but the very interesting fact he came to know that luck has nothing to do with palms(astrology) but there are some reasons for being lucky or Unlucky, there are specifically 4 reasons Basically there are 4 things and 4 habits which can make anyone lucky and Richard has proved this theory by teaching it to many unlucky people including Petrica hence today i will share 4 amazing principles from his amazing book which will make you lucky so let’s begin.
No.1) Chance Opportunities Dr. did a very simple experiment in which he gave news paper to lucky and unlucky people and told them to see count and tell him that how many photos are there in that news paper and as a result, unlucky people took 2 minutes on an average to count all the photos from the news paper whereas lucky people gave answer in 2 seconds how? well in the second page of the news paper it was written in bold that stop counting images there are total 43 images in this news paper not only this Dr. had also written in the middle of the news paper that if you read it and inform me then il reward you with $25 but still unlucky people didn’t saw that now the question comes how lucky people saw that and unlucky people didn’t well the reason for this is that lucky people are very good in seeing opportunities and whenever lucky people get a chance they grab the opportunity by taking action on it however unlucky people don’t have this quality in them and the reason for not having this quality is that usually unlucky people live most of their life by taking tension stress pressure and by being anxious about everything and their anxiety don’t allow them to see opportunities whereas lucky people usually stay in peaceful mind and their happy peaceful mind help them to see opportunities hence rule no. one to be lucky is that don’t take too much tension always stay in peaceful happy mind peaceful and happy mind will see more opportunities and one more thing which you can do to change your luck is to Have Variety in Life Example: if you go and remove fruit from one particular tree all the time, then you’ll continue to get less and less fruit with time, no matter if entire garden has fruits in lakhs similarly, if you are doing same thing throughout your life, like going at the same place all the time meeting same people again and again, then you’ll get very less opportunities therefore bring Variety in your life.
No.2) Turn Bad To Good in an Experiment doctor ask lucky and unlucky people to imagine a scenario even il ask you to do the same Imagine, You have gone to a bank for some work and suddenly Robbers attack that bank, one of the robber shoots you bullet hits your hand, after which you’ve been to hospitalised for a week if something like this happens to you, will you consider yourself lucky or unlucky? unlucky people of that experiment said obviously its an unlucky incident unlucky people said that they were present at the wrong time, if they wouldn’t have gone there nothing would have happened on contrary lucky people said, that it was very lucky they said that if that bullet would have hit their head or heart they would have died but fortunately it hit their hand and they able to survived some even said that it’s a great opportunity to get holiday from work, and with this they can be famous by coming on news or can earn more from it see this is another difference between lucky and unlucky people whenever something bad happens with lucky people, they get happy instead of being sad or upset they feel good and positivity by thinking that not much worst has happened, they feel its better than worst and such thinking and positivity increase their life expectations and make them feel lucky whereas unlucky people consider something bad as the worst thing that has happened to them they feel that they are going through the mess now another example: After Doing a study on Olympic winner now again imagine, suppose you are in olympics and has won the bronze medal, won 3rd position after winning bronze medal you’ll be happy, but if you would have won silver then you would be happier right? well research shows that such thinking doesn’t take place because person who win bronze medal stays happy by thinking that its better then losing the game whereas person who win silver medal stay sad by thinking that if he/she would have performed better they would have won gold, similar way unlucky people think, hence always see things in a positive way, your positivity will make you lucky.
No.3) Listen to Gut sometimes we have a gut feeling, our inner soul tells us not to do something, but still we ignore it and do it and later we realise that we made a big mistake well Dr. says that lucky people always listen their gut feelings, hunches in fact in a survey 90 percent lucky people agreed that yes they listen to their gut feelings for relationshipsand 80 percent accepted that they listen to gut feelings for their career as well well many of you’ll can find this very unscientific but the thing we must remember that our unconscious mind is very powerful which keeps our past experiences and pattern store in our mind and its a fact and thats the reason our unconscious usually stays very accurate example: while talking to someone we can find person very logical but many times unconsciously we get wrong signals from their body language and therefore many times we have a gut feeling saying that this person doesn’t seem right and many times our gut feelings prove to be true hence whenever you have a gut feelings at least think about it don’t ignore it directly now some ways through which you can improve your gut feelings or can make your intuitions strong are: by doing meditation or by going to some peaceful place, where you can give some relaxation to your subconscious mind.
No.4) Power of Expectation while doing a research and study on lucky and unlucky people, another thing which dr. came to know was Lucky people were very positive about their future lucky people used to feel that they for sure will achieve something huge and great in their lives however unlucky people had a very low expectation from their lives when Dr. kept both lucky and unlucky people in the same situation, the outcome which came were very different situation was like, they both were asked to go to a restaurant and asked to spend some time over there the route from where they has to go to the restaurant, to that route Dr. kept $500 and he kept those people inside the restaurant which can give great life opportunities to them with the execution what happened, the lucky person who already had the feeling that this experience will be the best experience for him, that person got $500 while going to the restaurant, and he also connected very well with others in the restaurant and got a very beneficial outcome from that restaurant visit however unlucky people didn’t even got the money, nor they talked to anyone in that restaurant and as a result (unlucky) people said that Experience was one of the best experience for lucky people whereas for unlucky people it was just normal boring restaurant visit. now another good example of expectations two groups were made, first group was said that the moment they’ll see the light they have to switch on and also said that it would be difficult for you’ll so try to be as good as you’ll can to second group they said that you all are fast jet pilots who are capable of fast reactions hence the moment you’ll see the light, shoot fast now result of setting such expectation was that the second fighter group reaction time was way faster than the first group and their scores were far better than the first group Expectations have lot of power the way you have believe in yourself the way things will happen another best thing about positive expectation is people become more consistent and don’t quit easily whereas people who has negative expectations usually quit easily and never try nor become very successful that’s all for today, share this video with people who believe in good and bad luck so that they can change their luck