No.1) Master Mind Smallest Particles of Soil and the biggest Stars of the Universe all are made of same thing and that is ATOMS now you must be aware that atoms contains Nuclear, electron and protons in it and because of Electrons, protons Structure and numbers things are separated or different physically example: in a mercury atoms there are 80 negative charge electrons which revolves around nuclei if a chemist removes two positive electrons from this atom, then that mercury will turn Platinum metal and if that chemist goes more further and removes negative Planetary electron then that atom will lose negative and positive electron and will become GOLD. Now obviously its not an easy task But with this example author wants to say that we all are created by one similar thing and even our brain is made of same thing which produces different thoughts always now many times our thoughts aren’t that valuable from the start, but when other brain changes the structure of our thoughts by combining or removing from his thoughts then that thing sometimes create such an amazing and valuable thing which is far valuable than gold A Master mind group is something where two or more brains work together for such an outcome which benefits all, now Mastermind groups are of two types First Formal Type: here you will pre-decide and will meet or do meeting with specific people who are keen in moving forward in your desired field such as finance of health related etc here your aim should be to discussed your plans ideas or do execution which will benefit you’ll Second Type is Informal Master Mind: with whoever we are spending time,no matter with whom we spend that time with they are influencing us directly/ indirectly or knowingly/unknowingly hence it is very important to spend our time with people who have positive impact on us just like rich people and should be with people who helps to achieve our goals, because they are the member of informal mastermind group.
N0.)2 Self Confidence the way light is needed to overcome the darkness similarly, if you want Confidence in you then you must overcome your hidden darkness means Fear Normally there are 6 Common Fears in Every human amongst those fears at least one or more then that is the real reason why poor people fail to do something big or great in their lives however rich people learn to deal with these fears and therefore they able to move forward in their lives i have already made a detailed video related to Fear Topic, which you can watch By (i) button/description from which you can learn how to control your fear now just to mention the names the first fear out of those 6 fears is: FEAR OF POVERTY, Second fear is: Fear of Illness Third Fear is : Fear of Old age Fourth Fear is: Fear of Criticism/what others will say or think Fifth Fear is: Fear of Losing Love Sixth Fear is: Fear Of Death After Dealing with these fears, you must follow 5 step formula which will increase your confidence and help you to achieve a successful life, That formula is somewhat like this: step 1:Here You need to tell Yourself, That i know i have the ability to achieve object of my Definite Purpose Therefore I Demand Myself Persistent, Aggressive and Continuous Action Towards it. Step 2Here Say that I Realise My Dominating Thoughts will Become Actions and then Reality HenceI will Concentrate 30 Minutes Daily In Thinking of the Person I Intend To Be. Step 3:Here say That I understand Power of Autosuggestion that any Strong Desire if Kept Long Enough will become Reality, Hence i will Give 10 Min Daily To build My Desires and Learn The Laws of this book daily Step 4: Here You will Write Clearly Description of Definite Purpose for next 5 Years and What You will Give To Achieve it and what exactly you will achieve after 5 years Step 5 :Know that success can’t Endure if Build On Lie or Injustice, Hence will always engage in win-win situation with Co-Operation and Serving Attitude, Will End, hate, Envy, Jealousy, Selfishness and Cynicism You will make people believe in you because you will learn to believe in People These Qualities are seen in Rich Mentality people and should be there in you too.
No.3) Initiative and leadership Once a Lady come to Meet Gandhiji and tells him That Bapu My son has a very bad addiction of eating sugar He always eat sugar, so please ask him to stop eating it, He respected you a lot therefore he will sure listen to you listening to her, for few minutes Gandhiji didn’t said anything, and after thinking something he asked that lady to come after 2 weeks with his son to meet him That lady didn’t find it good, but still she did as Gandhiji said After 2 weeks that lady came with his son to meet Gandhiji, That time Gandhiji very sweetly told that boy that Not to Eat sugar it’s not good for your health after listening to this, that mom told his son to go out and then she asked Gandhiji Why did you do this, same thing can be asked 2 weeks earlier, why you didn’t said earlier and why today? To This Gandhiji replied, I didn’t said it earlier because till that time even i was fond of eating sugar This Simple story Moral is taught by Napoleon Hill in his lAW OF INITIATIVE AND LEADERSHIP Most of the people say good things but in reality they never take the initiative to do those things by themselves and they just expect from others that other should listen to what they say, &its hardly possible dat other will listen But successful people understand that the best way to motivate others to do something is to first do it by themselves, and motivating others to do the same work through your actions This is a Big Lesson of Leadership, which isn’t seen in Poor people because poor people are usually of follow mentality however rich people keep many leadership mentality in them.
No.4) Enthusiasm Another Difference which Separates Rich from Poor is when successful people do any work they do it with High Enthusiasm and with high Energy However Unsuccessful people do their work with Low energy and with low enthusiasm Example: it is seen in many researches that two salesman who sells same product of same company with same feature benefits and product quality and by saying same things still the salesman who try to sell the product with high enthusiasm and energy people usually buy more from such salesman compare to the other salesman similarly, that speech motivates people and touches the heart of people, which is said with genuine heart and with high energy and enthusiasm therefore even you do all your work with Enthusiasm don’t always think of completing the task with low mood just like low mentality people You can grow Enthusiasm in 7 situations First: working on your PASSION SECOND: STAY AROUND ENTHUSIASTIC PEOPLE, Because their Enthusiasm will be rub-off on you thirds: work for financial freedom, it will give you enthusiasm of doing what you want to do fourth: whatever work you are doing, achieve mastery skill, because mastery skill grows enthusiasm Fifth: Improve health, because good health increase energy and enthusiasm sixth: do good for others, it make you feel good from inside seventh: maintain hygiene and cleanliness, even this increases enthusiasm .
No. 5) Tolerance suppose there are two man who wants to become a big businessman one man is very intolerant, means if anyone is having same believes and opinions like him or if anyone is of his caste, religion only then he will work with them, or else he doesn’t work with them, in fact he considered different people his Enemies whereas the other businessman is Tolerant means he understand that people’s opinions and believes can differ and he never look for people’s opinions caste or religion or anything he just like to work with people who are good, honest and loyal Now you think which business man will get more opportunity to grow in his life Well Author says that Intolerant people usually have two qualities: first they are usually Ignorant and second they are emotional decision takers and author says that these nature is the biggest reason which keep them poor in their lives because of it they focus of other people and keeps on fighting and arguing with others However Rich people are usually Tolerant they keep on working for their and for others betterment instead of focusing on any arguments or in what people are saying they always keep their focus on goals and hence it is very important for us to be open minded and to keep our focus on our goals and success because at the end it will make a huge difference in our lives and will benefit all These are 5 laws out of 15 laws which authored have shared in the Law of success book.