before going to exact definition, just remember one thing that Attitude is a huge thing And small part of Attitude is EGO, Example if Attitude is a Continent then Ego is just a small country in it Attitude can be divided into two parts first Right attitude and Second is Wrong attitude people get confuse between ego and attitude because ego is the part of wrong attitude but the best part is that you can be a good attitude person without having an ego for example, Every Indian is an Asian, But every Asian will be an Indian is not compulsary similarly,
Every Egoistic person will for sure have Attitude, But person who has Attitude doesn’t have Ego, hence even you should be a person who has attitude you shouldn’t be a person who is egoistic or who has a bad attitude (wrong attitude) Now let’s talk about definition, Attitude shows what we think about other things How we feel and how we respond in any situation whereas Ego always allow us to think about our self-esteem and self-importance for example, person who has a Good Attitude will say No matter what happens i will win whereas An Egoistic person will say, That no matter what happens no one can beat me Good attitude person will live life as if he is the king of the world Whereas Bad attitude person lives a life as if everyone is their slave and everyone should always obey them Now let’s talk about today’s Book summary which is related to this Topic Author Ryan has accomplished huge successes in a very young age he was only 19 years when he became the youngest executive in the Talent Management Agency who later did signing of big rock bands, and also did consulting for many books which was sold in millions at the age of 21 he was the marketing director of an amazing Company AMERICAN PAREL. At the age of 25 he was also the best selling author everything was so perfect, but suddenly one day time changed and everything changed in his life he lost everything, he started failing in his life, he made a tattoo in his hand, he tattooed the most important reason of his failure in his hand so that he never forget that and should never repeat that same mistake in his life and can avoid such failure again The tattoo which he made in his hand was “EGO IS THE ENEMY” Because his ego was the main and the most important reason for his failure and that reason he never wanted to forget Ryan defines Ego as an unhealthy belief which make us obsessed about self-importance Ryan says that ego is something which converts our Confidence to Arrogance Ego is that dangerous thing which ruins or destroys our long term goals by just giving us short term satisfaction, and by making us feel;
superior from others for just for short time and such ego is not at all right, author says that every person in their lives always stays in one stage out of three first stage is ASPIRING, SECOND is Succeeding and Third is Failing First, Either person is aspiring, means working on something in order to achieve something in his life wanted to become something in his life second, either person has already achieved in his life, means he already faced success third, either person is failing in his life, he is not able to achieve anything huge in his life Now the Problem is the biggest problem or the biggest obstacle which stands firm in front of us during all three stages to defeat us is nothing but our OWN EGO. Now let’s see how EGO Comes between all three stages to destroy our goals first Aspiring stage, He is Rohit, Rohit has seen a video related to body building he loved that video, hence he decided that he will for sure become a bodybuilder no matter what happens after deciding, he went to his friends and start telling them about his decision he says, that from now on he will do gym, he will have proper diet, will do cycling, jogging, will do everything and become a bodybuilder just wait and watch.. with such enthusiasm he joins gym and post his first day workout pictures on social media pages by NO PAIN NO GAIN #WORKINGONMYDREAMS With this he started showing off more than his actions, he do less and show more after few days his entire motivation goes down, and he return to his normal life well this happens to many people and the reason for this is EGO Our Ego always makes us think what others are thinking about us therefore instead of taking maximum action for our goal completion, we started doing easy things to impress others such has we started talking more, we start uploading pictures on social media pages which in reality nor impress others not even allow us to complete our goals because in show off and talking same resources are required which is needed to complete our actual goals which is our time, mental physical health /energy and our will power and mostly we use all these and finish it just by showing off and talking hence author says that it will be best if you avoid wasting your energy on talking and in thinking about it all day, start using that same energy in taking action and in completing your goals stage 2 Succeeding At age 18 Howard Hughes took the biggest decision He gave money to his relatives and bought 100 percent shares of his family business and became owner of that company, it was an Oil drill bit company this was the very bold decision because he wasn’t much aware about the business but still it proved to be the most brilliant move of his, Hughes shifted that company from 1 million dollar to 1 billion dollar he became very successful, But His overconfidence or can say his Ego destroyed his success His ego made his career the most embarrassing the most dishonest and waste career in the history The first huge Success of Hughes made him believe the he is very talented and he can be successful in any business, hence he get into Aviation field, film making and in stock market, and in every field he faced a huge loss in fact.
A biographer has shown Hughes end life in his book like he was sitting in his favourite chair naked, without taking care of his health, without bathing he was fighting with lawyers with investigators, investors by hiding his every wrong doings, so that he doesn’t lose his everything Hughes Ego was the reason for his embarrassing end even after getting success he failed miserably most of the time when people get success, then their ego shift them from humble and learning person to overconfident person about their capabilities therefore they failed to maintain their success and hence they lose everything in their lives Third Failing After many scandals and 300 million loss, company gave two options to American ApparelFounder Dove Chaney, first option To resign as A CEO From the company and to work as Creative Consultant and for that he will get a good pay or salary, and second to resign and completely leave the company At that Time Dove rejected both options and chose the third and the worst option which was to FIGHT He filed a case against his company, he sue his company, instead of searching a better CEO For a Company, he made that company to reach to bankruptcy his ego didn’t allow him to think better for his company instead he destroyed his company as well as himself because after that case his life was so devastated that he used to sleep on his friend couch because he was bankrupt, had no money Ego is something which never allow us to understand our own shortcomings and faults just like an alcoholic who feels the whole world is doing wrong with him, he himself does the worst for himself, without realising that he is the biggest enemy of himself similarly, when we fail to achieve something, at that time instead of taking responsibility our ego starts making excuses starts blaming world and others our ego blames and make excuses so that our respect doesn’t decrease hence we do everything but never realise our mistakes and shortcomings because of which we fail to overcome it and fail to get success and achievements in our lives similarly in every stage ego never allow us to move forward in our lives so now the question is if Ego is the biggest enemy then how to defeat it? so the best way through which you can fight with your ego is known as plus minus equals to principle, which is taught by a great UFC fighter He says That any one who wanted to become a great fighter should keep three people along with them First person who is better than him from whom he can learn, second person who is less better than him to whom he can teach, and third person who is as good as him to whom he can challenge and can grow similarly, even you can fight with your every stage ego by using this principle like suppose if you are in Aspiring stage, then search a person who is as good as you, means who is equally talented,
and has equal goals like you, such person can be your competitor who always push you to do more than your limits, who will always challenge you and grow you. when you will have such person with you, then you will not have time to focus on other nor you will care about others because your focused will be on competing and becoming better example, suppose if you want to do business then be with people who also wants to do business like you by this you will learn from them and also work hard to become better than them suppose if you are in succeeding stage then be with person who is better than you, who is plus than you who is far better and successful than you because when success will get into your head at that time such person will show you that you are still lacking behind by this you will stay down to earth and will not have ego and arrogance you will generate humility in you which is the biggest thing needed to defeat an ego this plus person can be your mentor or can be the person who is much more successful than you and third if you are in failing stage then be with person who is lesser than you means who is in minus who has low achievements compare to you, to whom you can teach things because maximum times by teaching we came to know about our mistakes, where we went wrong and where we can become better, when you will be with people who has lesser achievements than you then your confidence and positivity will always stay high which is really needed in this stage and it will move you ahead in life Now an important side note, you must have notice that nowadays in our country almost everyone is full or filled with Ego, some have ego of their success, some have an ego of their ancestral success people are egoistic because of their father and grandfathers achievements if not success then people has ego for their cast and religion, they fight for their cast and religion all these things are not allowing our country to move ahead in life.