when when you really discover what it means to fully accept who you are all aspects then that i would assert is the discovery of what love is it’s really that simple like you know it’s very easy as uh spiritual teachers and esoteric philosophers and poets to talk about love as though that is our nature and i’m not denying that but it’s one thing to know that okay i am love it’s another thing to experience i am love and the way i’ve often used for myself as an expression as i say i am in love and people often will say wow that’s awesome congratulations and i’m like no no no like i am in the energy i am in the essence i am bathing within the quality that is love itself yes of course i love companionship i love falling in love with other that’s a fun experience but to recognize that i am actually held by the essence of love itself that is i would say not only a rare experience it’s an anomaly to the norm but i would assert it’s actually what we’re all here for is to awaken to the fact that i am held by the container of the essence of love itself and until such time that i get that i will invariably be seeking it through the you know the adoration or the validation or the reassurance of other for which reason i will constantly be dependent on what they do or say to the point that everything is now a perceived threat and for that reason,
i will be perpetually in a state of exhaustion which is really a futile battle for me to overcome the fact that i believe that there’s fundamentally something wrong with me that’s not lovable and therein lies the biggest pretense of all that i somehow believe that there is something wrong with me and i’m looking to the ex i the outside world to compensate for that or to reassure me otherwise which is again it’s a futile plight because if that’s how i’ve defined myself then it doesn’t matter how many millions of people might love me until such time that i really get that for myself it’s all window dressing you know when people are like always trying to lean into like positive vibes or good feelings they’re denying 50 of what it means to be human right which is that you’re going to have just by virtue of being a sentient being you’re gonna have a myriad of different feelings some of which you might think aren’t great or the negative but to what degree can you be big enough as a human being to hold the space the container of love just like a really adoring mother does for her child which she allows all of it to be there of course she may have preference but there’s no judgment of a child that’s just experiencing and self-expressing whatever is going on that is the container of love that i want to inspire that i do inspire for people to bring to themselves such that they can make space for their humanity warts and all meaning,
it’s not always going to be pretty but that’s the nature of love the very nature of love is such that it actually makes space for that which isn’t necessarily lovable it’s easy to love all the parts of you that you love it’s easy to love the parts of you that you like or that you think are your greatest features or your greatest character traits but where can you develop love for the part of you that you find to be imperfect to the part of you that find to be flawed that’s the very essence of what love means it makes sufficient space for all parts of me even those that my persona and my ego are somehow belittling berating or judging that is the antithesis of love ,
and so that is why it’s almost beautifully designed that by virtue of being human we are flawed we are imperfect and if it weren’t for that we wouldn’t understand what it means to develop true unconditional love.