lifeis to be lived lived before you diedon’t waste a second of this preciousgiftyou’re here for a reason never stopasking whythe best and most beautiful things inthe worldcannot be seen or even touched they mustbe felt with the hearthere are seven things i need to tell youabout life number onelife is not meant to be so serious maketime for funfor joy for play alan watts once saidthis is the real secret of life to becompletelyengaged with what you are doing in thehere and nowand instead of calling it work realizeit is playdon’t trust anyone that tells you lifehas to be seriousdon’t believe anyone that says there isno time forfun joy laughter in every or any daywhen you are young life is nothing butfun the important lesson most of usadults still need to learnis that life is not meant to be soseriouswe can easily forget that our lives donotlast forever this is why it is importantto remind yourself one day youlike all other humans will diewhen we remind ourselves of our certaindeathwhen we remind ourselves of the factthat we do not knowwhen it will all end when we really takethat inthe impermanence of it all maybe thenmaybe then we can starttaking everything a little lessseriouslymost people are struggling so hard toget the jobto get the extra money so they canimpresspeople who they really don’t like andthose people reallydon’t care about them or about any ofthat anywaybecause they’re doing the same thingsearching for one achievement that oneamount of money that will makeeverything better butmoney doesn’t make us feel worthyonly we can do thatmaybe we don’t need to stress so muchabout our weightour skin our bank account or what otherpeople think of usi challenge you to look at life not as astruggle or a strainor a destination that is somewhere elseneeding to be reached but a journeya challenge to see how much joyyou can squeeze out of every day thenwhether or not you get the big house orthe fancy car it won’tmatter will it because no matter whathappensyou will have what most don’tthree things money can never buyjoy peace and passion for lifecreate a life that feels good on theinsidenot just one that looks good on theoutsideit is during our darkest moments that wemust focusto see the light number twocircumstances will never define youunless you decide to let them let metell you a little life factif you are blessed enough to reachadulthood there is a 100 percent chanceyes 100 chance that life willdish you up some things that you did notplan fornor did you want in your life experiencethese things are called characterbuilding momentslife lessons challenges sentmaybe to give your life more meaningmaybe just something you need to dealwith in your own timein your own way wayne dyer once saidif you change the way you look at thingsthe things you look atchange when you change the way you lookat these life challengessometimes you will find they are notproblems or misfortunesbut redirections sometimes blessingsmaya angelou said you may not controlall of the events that happened to youbut you can decidenot to be reduced by them don’t fightagainstlife when challenges come as i guaranteethey willsee if you can continue to give yourbestto the present moment in front of yoube open to the fact that you do not knowhow anything will turnout including this hard moment in frontof youtrust that it was for the best for youor for someone else see if you can findmeaning in any of it even the hardestmomentseveryone thinks of changing the worldbut no one thinks of changing himselfnumber three if you don’t learn tocontrol your mindyour mind will control youthe buddha said the mind is everythingwhat you think you become and that isnot an extreme statement humans are saidto have over sixty thousandthoughts a day that is not the problemthe problem ismost people are having these thoughts onautopilotand many of them are not positivemost people are programmed by society bythe news channels by social mediathey believe everything they read theyare reactive andwhen a challenge appears in their lifethey don’t know how to handle itbecause they don’t know how to think forthemselvesrather than responding calmly andsensiblyto fix a small challenge they react inanger and escalate the challenge into amonster problemlearning to control your mind and tocontrol your emotionsis key to living a life incontrol not in control of circumstancesbut in control of how you feel aboutthemwhich is more important than being incontrol of circumstancesbecause that is something you have nocontrol overyou control your mind and emotionsthrough daily ritualsconsistent self-work every day repeatingpowerful processesthat are proven to promote calm positivefeelings meditation daily gratitudeprayer exercise detoxing fromall negativity specifically newsnegative influences and social mediaall of these things are crucial toliving a beautiful lifeultimately every individual isresponsible for how they feelnext time you react in anger know thatit is youthat needs to do more work not thecircumstanceor the person that made you angry nomatter what is going on around the worldinside your world it can be a magicalpeaceful placeif you’re not going with the flow you’regoing too slownumber four make a planbut go with the flow as welljim rohn once said if you don’t designyour own life planchances are you’ll fall into someoneelse’s planand guess what they have planned for younot muchplanning doesn’t mean being attached tothe outcome thoughif you plan to take your umbrella on awalk to deal with the rainbut your umbrella breaks learn how todance in the rainwhat does it have to do with your lifewellmost often in life you want to avoidgetting wetas in you want to avoid getting infinancial troublehaving health issues having relationshipor emotional problemshaving a bad day a bad week bad year orlabeling your life as bad how do youavoid the reign of lifeyou avoid it by planning not forcircumstances to be perfectbut planning to do the work on youevery single day planning exercise and healthy eating so your bodyis strong healthy and vibrantplanning daily rituals like meditationgratitudeprayer journaling or anything else thatputs you in a greatspace all of these things have aprofoundand compounding effect on your life thepeople you attractthe relationships you attract andstrengthenhow you feel about yourselfnow of course not everything always goesto plan sowhen a challenge appears when the reignof life comes downlearn how to dance in the rainhow to flow with it and most importantlyplan to get back on trackas benjamin franklin once said if youfail to plan you are planning to failcare about what other people think andyou will alwaysbe their prisoner number fiveyou’ll never be able to please everyoneyes that’s right even mother teresa hashatersno matter how pure your soul isunfortunatelythe reality of human beings is that weare allso different and because of those greatdifferenceswe are all vibrating on very differentlevelssome people are just not ready forkindness peacecompassion some people aren’t ready foranythingpositive don’t let that get to you it’snothing personal it’s just the very factthateveryone is so different and from theirdifference in upbringingcircumstances and environment comedifferences of opinionand differences and reactions justbecause they don’t agree with youor even if they are against you or yourideasdoesn’t mean you can’t find a way toeither get along with themor let them go their own way in peacethe very thing you don’t want to do isfight back and bring more negativeenergyto any situation let those who differfrom youdiffer from you be an example of someonewho allowsall others to have their opinion withoutbeing affectedmove on with your life without hatethere is no need foreveryone or anyone to agree with you beso busy improving yourself that youdon’t even noticenegativity coming your way be so focusedon making a positive differencein the lives of those who want to hearfrom you that you fail to hear fromthose who don’tbe yourself everyone else is alreadytakennumber six you won’t be happy if you’rebeing someone elsetrying to fit in with others be yourselfand do it with pride genuine happinesswillnever come to you if you are changingwho youare to please other people you cannot begenuinely happyif you are not genuinely you becomfortable being youaround everyone and anyone all the wrongpeoplewill leave you and that’s okay becausethe right peoplewill stay the right people as in thosewho love the real youexactly as you are as dr seusssaid be who you are and say what youfeel because those who mind don’t matterand those who matter don’t mindhow people treat you is their karma howyou reactis yours number seven those who arestuck in their own miserywill try to drag you into their darkholedon’t let anyone steal your joywayne dyer said loving people livein a loving world hostile people live ina hostile worldsame world the nature of some humanbeingsis that they don’t want to see you happybecause they haven’t yet achieved it forthemselvesmany people live in a hostile universeand perhapsunknowingly perhaps unintentionally willtry to drag youinto this hostile universe so they arenotalone in there never change who you areand drop down into this hostile worldif you remain true to you committed tothisloving universe you live in committed toyour own well-beingyour own peace joy and magic you areliving in every daysooner or later all those people willstoptrying to drag you down and instead askyou to help them upto your world be the light forothers to find their waybe the example that changes not onlyyour lifebut others through your own positivelife experienceeleanor roosevelt said no one can makeyou feelinferior without your consentdon’t allow the bitterness of othersinside your heartthey don’t want to be there either theyneed someone to show them the wayso many people are hurting and they hidethat hurt with bitterness and judgmentwherever you can in any dayin any moment be that light for someoneelselighten their day with your genuinekindnesseven if they don’t give it back be apositive example for this world.