Your Life is the Product of your decisions which you have made in your life or which you’ll be taking in future Meaning how your life will be today and in future, how much successful you’ll be whether you will have good or bad life, will your dreams come true or not everything depends on your decision.
hence it is very important for us to take right decisions in our lives, so that we can get what we actually deserve therefore with my genuine heart and with a lot of happiness i welcome my Youtube friend who runs Gigl Channel Great Ideas Great life, where he uploads self-help related videos by Collaborating with him today we will discuss 11 decision model from an Amazing book it will help you to take Right decision at the right time and it will make your life better than you think so let’s begin with Gigl So very first model is Maslow’s Pyramid we all have a question in our mind, like what is the thing which can make us very happy from which we will achieve ecstasy and will be at our extreme creative state to explain this, Abraham Maslow studied that age most Genius people and came up with this Theory Elbert Einstein and Aligner roosevelt were included in that Genius people study this theory says that if we want to reach at the most happiest stage then we have to cross 4 stages means has to satisfy four human needs the very first need which comes is Physiological need Physiological need means to eat, drink and sleep when we are fully satisfied with sleep, water and food means if we have eat properly had proper sleep and if we don’t feel thirsty only then we can reach to stage 2 Stage 2 is safety,
we earn money build houses create new resources in order to feel safe we do all this to feel safe emotionally and physically and when we feel satisfied physiologically and feel safe emotionally and physically only then we reach to stage 3 Stage three is Love and Belongings in this stage we want friends, love family we want to be part of a group, we want ourselves to get accepted socially if society is not accepting us, then to satisfy this need we can become terrorist as well this stage this need will get satisfied only when earlier two needs or stages are satisfied imagine if you are hungry and reach home, at that time you will satisfy your stage one need you will go to kitchen and feed yourself, when you finish your food feel no more hungry and thirsty only then you will spend some time with your friends and family when all three needs get fulfilled only then you reach to stage four Fourth stage is of Significance in this stage you want Importance, want respect from friends and colleagues here you want to show them that you are different from them, in order to fulfil this need A rich person will buy big house expensive car , watch a person who is intelligent will write a book or do discovery or innovate something to satisfy this need in order to satisfy this need Neil Armstrong Went to Moon and to satisfy this need many people even hold revolvers because the moment someone hold a gun in front of you at that moment that person becomes significant you have to listen to him at all cost and at that moment that terrorist need of being significant gets satisfied when you fulfil all your four needs then you reach to stage 5 5th stage is Self-actualization here you are very happy and you are at your highest creative stage after reaching this stage only that person will be happy who is doing something which he/she loves a musician is creating a music a dancer is dancing, a scientist is doing a discovery after reaching this stage if you are doing something which you don’t like then you will find yourself shallow from within, feel lonely feel as if something is missing now the question comes how /when you can use this pyramid in your real life The perfect example of using this Pyramid is Google Google satisfies all four need of their employees to satisfy first need google provide free food at their campus to the employees to make their employees feel safe google provide high salary, provide car and house to them to satisfy their employees third need they satisfy them in groups, organise recreational group activities Google is such a big name that their employees Significance need always gets satisfied hence they spend maximum time in stage 5 because their all four stages needs gets satisfied and they give their best therefore Google is the number one website Next Model is Swiss Cheese Model Do You Know? Medical Error is the 5th biggest reason Behind lot of death occurrence in USA Meaning Because of Doctor’s Fault, there every year 1-2 lakh of people dies due to doctor’s fault by listening you may not find 1 or 2lakhs of number that huge or big But the number of death is so high, that if every day Big Boing 747 plane gets crash and all passengers died if we try to understand it in other perspective, then if you go to the doctor for your treatment then chances of your death is exactly equal to the chances of you travelling on the plane continuously for 36000 years the most common mistake which happens by doctors is Vincristine drug Vincristine is a Chemotherapy Injection,
it is given when someone is suffering through Cancer it is injected intravenously means through Veins but in entire world many times Doctor’s inject it intrathecally, inject it in the spine because of which patient dies, this is the most common and repeatable mistake in Medical field if you do slight research then entire Internet is filled with these mistakes any repeatable mistake we can analyse through Swiss Cheese Model we you notice swiss cheese slices you will know that it has holes in it usually Indian cheese and paneer doesn’t have hole but Swiss cheese has holes every single slice of swiss cheese will talk about One Barrier by which mistake won’t happen and every single hole is that swiss cheese will show the possibility of one mistake if you apply swiss role model in Vincristine Case study then every slice of Swiss cheese will show a Barrier by which injection will not be injected in the wrong place Like First Barrier can be Senior Doctor, if senior doctor is available then mistake won’t happen second barrier will show second barrier, which is doctor shouldn’t be tired, doctor should be active Third slice shows third Barrier, while doing Operation Doctor’s shouldn’t have any Distracting Devices shouldn’t have cell phones now every slice has a hole, means possibility of mistakes first slice mistake can be instead of senior doctor junior doctor is doing the operation second slice mistake can be like doctor might be tired third slice mistake can be like doctor will got a call and he might attend that call as well as per swiss cheese model whenever all these holes Align together means if all mistakes happens together then biggest disaster will take place with Vincristine Drug Junior doctor is doing an operation he is tired and get a call while operation and unfortunately he attends that call and therefore he inject that drug in the wrong place because of which patient dies now all these problems can be solved through Risk Mitigation Traingle This solution or mitigation triangle wasn’t mentioned in this book, hence we will discuss it later Third model is Chasm- the Defussion model This Law says that if you want to bring your product in the mainstream means if you want to sell your product to large masses then has to deal with five different type of people having different thinking, there five type of people are Innovators, early adaptors, Early majority late majority and Laggards, whenever you launch your product in the market then it is firstly bought by Innovators and early adaptors they are those people who doesn’t care whether your product gets successful in the market or not they care for your mission and they want to see your innovation they are risk takers and take decisions on the basis of their feelings they are the people who wait four hours stand in the queue front of the iPhone store because they want to be the first buyer of iPhone Early majority and late majority people are those people who see the product which they are going to buy is it establish in the market, is it the proven technology do that product has drawbacks, they make decisions on the basis of logics not emotionally laggards are those who take technology related products in the last they are the people who have taken cell phones because landlines were shut down therefore as an entrepreneur we don’t even focus on them if you want to create monopoly of your product in the market then has to sell your products to early majority and late majority people because by involving these two you can capture 70 percent of the market the thinking difference between early adaptors and early majority is known as Chasm and any businessman or entrepreneur who wants to sell his product in the market to the masses has to cross Chasm and it is the most difficult part for any businessman For this Jeffery Morse has also written a book known as Crossing the Chasm now question comes how to cross Chasm, there’s only one solution for it MARKET SEGMENTATION This says you make your product for specific people focusing on solving their one specific problem when you dominate market in that one thing, then you add one more feature to your product by which one more group of people,
one more specific problem gets solved and this way you slowly and gradually dominates the entire market Peter Thiel has mentioned this thing in his book Zero to One Amazon also used Market segmentation principle, at start they only launched books in their websites when they dominated the books market after that they started selling cd’s dvd’s and kept on adding more products and finally they dominated the Retail market Fourth model is Scamper we all have one question in our minds, like how do we write or create new ideas how we can generate out of the box, innovative ideas so for this Fritzzwicky says no idea is new, it is an Iteration of the old existing ideaand we have method by which we can generate new idea in an organised way through old existing idea and this method is SCAMPER, Scamper is an Acronym in which S stands for Substitute This Idea(substitute) says that if you take any existing product and replace it few parts with your ideas or innovation then you create and bring new innovative product in the market the perfect example for this is Tesla cars, they have taken existing car designs and replace its engine with electric motor engines and innovated a new product next Comes C Means combine, this principle says that if you combine two existing technology together then can bring new product in the market, camera phones are the example of this principle earlier there were only keypad phones, and camera had different market but by using this principle camera phones were invented and phone industries were completely changed Next is A Means Adapt, this principle says that you should change your product as per market requirement Facebook is the perfect example for this, face book was earlier launched only for laptops users used to face difficulty in using face book websites on cell phones but as mobile users increased face book adapt itself with the changes and came up with new version for mobile phone with this change many more users started spending more time on face book Next is M means Modify, this idea says that too add more features to your existing workable product and keep on making it a better product and perfect example for this is Whatsapp at start whatsapp had only text messages, but today they have added many more features such as voice calls, video calls, documents etc Next is P means Put in another use this principle says to search for new ideas to use same technology in different different platforms for example if you have heater then if you change its design and make it usable for water then it becomes emergent rode through which you can to boil water and if you pack this emergent rode in a box then it becomes Geezer if you put fan behind heater then it can become blower and if you change more and pack it in compact box then it become hairdryer Next comes E means Eliminate, this says that through your product you can eliminate useless features means earlier in smart phones there was home feature, but to make screen bigger, home feature was removed Next is R means Rearrange, this principle says that by re-arranging existing product feature can create a new product, perfect example for this is Today’s Refrigerators which is allowing to keep freezing this at the bottom instead of the top and for them this the innovation next model is Flow, many people amongst us want to work with high concentration we want to achieve such a state that even in we work for 8 hours we don’t even realise that we haven’t eat food now the first question comes Do
This state really Exist? so for this Answer is YES Second question comes, Can we achieve this State, then answer for this is also YES Csikszen Mihakyi says in his book that this state is known as FLOW And this state is Achievable how you can achieve this state you can understand through the diagram appearing on screen in Y axis comes challenge and in X axis comes abilities If you do task more than your abilities then you will get tired and fail to achieve flow state and if you have more abilities but take less challenging task or do less challenging task then you will get bored, and again fail to achieve flow state but if you work by maintaining perfect balance and give yourself that much challenge which you can solve or can achieve quicklythen you will always stay in the high concentrated state means will achieve the flow Flow state is achievable only in the task which you truly love to do.