1)Results and feelings We man Are Result Oriented Whereas Woman’s are feelings Oriented Meaning, When man used to live in Mars. They never share their problem with anyone, They used to keep it with them, and used to solve their problems on their own. They do this, because this makes them feel strong And sometimes when they couldn’t take the problem alone, They go to a Wise man who can give them a good advice and a solution of their problems. And this is the reason why man like giving Advice. Because this thing makes them feel Respected and Strong and it’s a huge thing for man. But things were not same at Venus. There woman used to share Every Little Problems with each other ,not because they wanted a solution or an advice Just Because they like to share their Feelings, Hence People has forgotten this Difference,However problems fights and misunderstandings has taken place Like when women share their problems,man immediately like a wise person gives them a solution or an advice But even after giving solutions to them,still when woman repeat the same problem and Remains Sad, This thing make man irritated,makes us(man)feel bad we started feeling as a useless person .who can’t create a good result. We man Forget that here woman doesn’t Require our Advice, they just wanted to share their feelings. And they just needed a person who can listen to them. and can understand their feelings.
2)Men Go to their caves and women talk. Men and woman Deals with Problems, Depression and stress in Different ways. Example;When Men Was In Mars, At that time when he had to feel depressed or stressed,he used to go to the cave and used to stay there alone. And think about the solution about how to deal with that depression and problems Or Just To remain Silent and to Forget about the Stress. But at Venus,Whenever Women Used to feel Depressed or stressed they usually meet their best friend and had to share all their problems. And they used to talk a lot until they don’t feel better calm or relax. Again forgetting about this difference is creating a lot of mess now a days in many relationships. So when Fight Happens between men and a woman, Man as per his nature remains silent and tries to control and deal with his problem alone by remaining silent But Women don’t behave like that ,they behave as per their nature, They keep on talking because they feel good and get calm when they talk and express their feelings Both men and women behaves inverse of each other. Because of this woman starts feeling as if men don’t care for her, “As I am talking so much but still he is quiet and not saying a word, He is Ignoring me” Maybe his feelings has changed or maybe he doesn’t love me any more etc etc. And on the other side men feels, Like how much he listens to her ,she is so dominating, she says so many things without realising, what she must have not said, Always Complains and etc.. And this thinking Ruins the Relationship.
3)Men wants to feel needed, Women Wants care. A man can work Day and night and can achieve Everything In his Life. Only when he knows and feels that his family needs him, his loved ones needs him. The more his special people need him, the more Men can feel the love and gets motivated to work .and will do a lot of difficult things easily. Because Fulfilling His Family Needs will make him feel strong and will make him feel happy and loved. On the other side, Woman feels love, when a man cares for her,be loyal to her, Always protect her cherish her and always be truthful to her ,etc. Now days the biggest problem of this modern world is, Every woman wants to become Independent, Which is Good. But it is creating a problem, Man feels love when his wife feels the need of him,in return man cares for her and protect her But when Woman’s becomes more independent than man, Man starts feeling less important and they feel that may be she doesn’t need him anymore, which makes them feel sad and less important, because of which they start becoming caring less towards women. And because of all these things man and women couldn’t feel love for each other. Man don’t care enough,and women doesn’t able to show ,how much they need them. and this become the reason for destroying many relationships and many relationships gets failed coz of this. 4)Men are like Rubber band and Women’s like Waves. Maggie was in a Relationship whit his Boyfriend for almost 6 months, Everything was going Good, But one day Maggie, noticed,that her boyfriend isn’t Talking to her a lot now days and maybe he is avoiding her, And she started thinking maybe he doesn’t love her anymore or maybe he doesn’t love her the way he used to before Or have i done any mistake or anything? Fortunately because of all this thinking,she attended Author’s Seminar from where she learned, That what her Boyfriend is doing is normal.boys usually do this, they give maximum time to their partner,but when men feel depressed or stressed, or maybe for any reason they go far from their partner, they spend their time with friends or play games etc and Return to their love again. Author relates this behavior of man with Rubber band.which gets stretched and Returns to the same position and place again. Whereas on the other side,Women’s are like Waves Woman’s emotions are like waves,have ups and downs. Like,one day her self esteem and mood will be at Top.and they will feel happy,relaxed and calmed. And everything will be seemed alright, But on the Next day,suddenly their Self esteem will be low,they will feel bad and stressed. she will feel bad for every small thing and will come up with every past memory. which will make them feel sadder and stressed. Because at this time,their emotions will be at the lower level of waves. It will remain there for some time until they get normal. now not understanding this can create a problem. Because we boys usually see in Television and learn through media, That we should never allow a girl to remain sad at any cost.so with this mentality, Whenever girl feel sad we boys with all our efforts try to make them feel good and even after trying so much, when a girl doesn’t feel good and still remains upset,we start feeling bad and this feeling makes us angry By thinking even after doing so much ,she remains sad.means i can never make her feel good or happy etc etc.. We fail to understand that sometimes, Girls Remains Sad Because of their nature, Even if Everything is Alright. 5)Pointing Game of Men and Women When A Man Gives a Rose to his Wife,at that time he Thinks,that For this thing he will Get 1 point And if he gives 2 Roses he will get 2 Points,for 5 roses 5 Points, and similarly,the more big thing he do,the more points he will get, so as per this,when he gives his salary to his wife for that he must get 30 points. And because of this his wife must be happy and satisfied. But Unfortunately,this is not the way How point system works as per Women, Point system for women is little different, so when a man gives a rose he gets 1 point. which is right, But even if he gives 2 roses still he gets 1 point. And for 5 roses as well he will get 1 point. Meaning,for women it is not necessary how big thing you will do for them, For them there is not a very big difference between doing big thing or a small thing,for women even small things are as important as big things. hence,it is very important for a man to do small things for his wife,like giving hugs,giving compliments to her, To spend Quality time with her,to give small gifts to her like chocolates and giving flowers to her etc. doing this small things will bring points for you and will make you feel,that you are doing a lot of things for her for making her happy. So To Conclude,i have shared 5 differences and problems which arises because of these different nature and behavior. Now i will share 5 points which every men and women should follow to deal with their differences and problems. So at First 5 things,A men should do are: No.1)Emotions oriented: Do not always try to give a logical solution to a women problems,just to finish it, mostly girls do not share their problems to get solution,usually they like to share their feelings. so unless women don’t ask for solution or an advice, don’t give. No.2)Women Talk Usually when women is in stress or if they are depressed they Talk,they like to talk and bring out all their stress. They talk,talking helps them to manage their stress and make them calmed relaxed.so let them talk as much as they want to. Without doing any kind of argument and do not give your opinion,this will make them as well as you,stress free. No.3)Caring is Love: The more you care for them,the more they feel the love,so care for them as much as you can show them your care. show them always how much you care for them,this will make them feel loved and happy.
No.4) Like Waves Remaining Sad for sometime is quite natural for girls, even if you do any possible thing to make them feel happy and still they don’t feel good. Don’t get upset or angry about it,it’s natural. At that time,juts be with them talk to them and support them,their mood will automatically will get better after sometime. No.5)Small Things: For Girls Every small thing equally important to every big thing,so the best thing is always do small things for your girl. And Now 5 points For women which they should follow: No.1)Agree to hi opinion and advice Give value to the advice and opinion which is given by the men, If they are giving any advice seriously,agree to it,even if you feel it’s not right,just do it for their sake of happiness because this thing will make them feel good,loved and respectful. No 2: If a men wants to remain silent at the time of stress, don’t try talking to him by doing arguments, just be with him and talk to him nicely politely, calm him down and do not blame him for any reason,at least for that time of stress. No.3)Make them feel how much you need them,make them feel good by saying or showing That you are not scared to be dependent on them,and he is capable enough to fulfil all your needs, This trust of yours will make them feel happy and motivated. No.4) When a men wants to spend time without you,just to avoid stress or depression. and wants to go with friends,allow them to go,Don’t think that they don’t love you ,just let them go, Don’t be upset about it,they will come back and will love you more.
No.5) Boys must not be very smart,or he must not be informed that for you how much small things matter, and how important and special small things make you feel, so freely tell them,what all small things make you feel good,so that maybe they understand you more better.