Number one
awkward awareness first dates are notoriously awkward youdon’t know each other you’re notcomfortable around each otheryou’re both testing the waters trying to gauge whether or not the other personreally likes youbut there’s one mistake guys always makeon first datesjust because the atmosphere is a littleuncomfortable it doesn’t mean you haveto make things worsemany guys think acknowledging an awkwardmoment will relieve the tensionthey say well this is awkward hoping toget a laugh or a smilethese well-meaning comments make theatmosphere even more uncomfortablebecause awkwardness is now the focalpoint of the conversationhey if it wasn’t obvious before it’sobvious nowso you’re gonna feel even more on edgethan you did beforeso don’t acknowledge the awkwardness ofa first dateat least not out loud you canacknowledge the awkwardness in your head but you should stay comfortable and confident on the outsidea date or conversation is only awkwardif you let it be awkwardif you’re upbeat and confident she’llfollow your leadand your date will go a whole lot better so don’t talk about how awkward thingsare have fun stay calm and comfortableand if you do the awkward atmospherewill disappearin no time
Number two
intentional carelessness every guy wantsto appearcool and confident in your minds thiscarefree persona may be everything awoman wantsnonchalant self-assured mysteriousbut a careless attitude is not going towin her over in fact it’s gonna push herawayokay so here’s the problem with anyconfident and carefree personayou see yourself as playing it cool butshe reads something completely differentfrom her perspective you’re not carefreeyou’recareless she may interpret your attitudeas a lack of investmentin other words she thinks you want toleaveif your date thinks you’re notinterested she’s going to pull awayshe’ll think the relationship has nopotential or futureso she’ll move on to someone new soinstead of playing it coolshow her that you care confidently proveto herthat you’re interested and investedthere are a number of different ways toshow interest for examplegood listening skills show her that shehas your undivided attentionbut be careful you don’t want to beoverly excited or eagerthat can and will scare her off butdon’t worry about playing it coolthat carefree persona isn’t getting you any where
Number three
stick to their gunsdo you plan your dates ahead of timebefore going on a date every guy should have a planotherwise you’re in for an awkward timeso what should your plan look like thisis wheremany men go wrong they use the samecookie-cutter dates over and overok let’s say there’s a steakhouse downthe street that you loveover the years this steakhouse hasbecome your signature spot for first dates no matter who you’re dating you alwaysgo there but what if you’re dating avegetarianwhat if your date isn’t a fan of fancyone-on-one dinnersmy point is don’t use the same dates forevery personyou should tailor your date to theperson you’re datingpick something that suits her specificinterests better yetchoose a place you two have talked aboutbefore let’s say you talked aboutgetting ice cream at a place downtownjust take her there for your first datea personalized date will make a muchbetter impression
Number four
absent chemistry dating is complicatedmen have a lot to think about in thebeginning stages you want to read herbody languageyou want to time everything perfectlyyou want to plan the right dates andmake the right movesbut there’s one factor that menconsistently forgetif you want to date someone you have toget alongmany men seek out relationships beforeconnecting on a personal or emotionallevelokay let’s say for example you’re on adate with someone you find attractiveyou plan a nice dinner you create aperfect opportunity to get to know eachotherbut you spend the whole date worryingabout what comes nextyou’re so nervous you hardly digestanything about heryou’re so focused on the future thepresent is slippingthrough your fingers so stop making thiscommon mistakeslow down don’t worry about what comes next and get to know your date in the momentif you want to be in a relationship withsomeoneyou need more than dates and romanticgestureson a basic level you need chemistry andthe best way to build that chemistryis talking talk about your day talkabout your favorite hobbiestell her about your goals for the futurethen ask about hersthey seem simple and insignificant butthese conversations separatebad matches from long-term partnersthese conversations tell you whether ornot you’ve chosen the right person foryouso worry less about your first kiss andthink moreabout your chemistry
Number five
questioning choicesmen make this huge mistake on a regularbasisin the early stages of a relationshipdon’t question the person you’re datingif you make her question her owndecisions you’re gonna drive her awayokay just imagine you and your date arelooking for a place to eatyou decide on a burger place that youboth love your date tells you that she’scraving a milkshake toothoughtlessly you say you’re getting amilkshake and a burgerhmm that’s a lot of food oh you may notmean any harmmaybe you were making a joke butcomments like these canruin your date immediately she doesn’twant you to weigh in on her decisionsbig or small would you like it if yourdate questioned your decisionsno you wouldn’t so don’t question hers
Number six
insecure misdirectiondo you bring up intelligent topics justto sound smartdo you overdress to make women thinkyou’re wealthy countless men pretend tobe something they’re not they change orobscure their real identitywhy is that because they think moneypowerand iq points make them more attractiveand impressivebut she won’t be impressed in factshe’ll leave you on the spotbecause this kind of misdirection shoutsone thing loud and clearyou’re not confident in who you are youpretend to be someone elsebecause you don’t have faith in the realyou to almost anyonethat’s a deal breaker
Number seven
perfect or nothingyour date doesn’t have to be perfect themost important thingisn’t how incredible your date is it’sthe effort you put into itthis is where many guys go completelywrong they imagine a date so impressivethat any girl will instantly fall forthembut you don’t need to do somethingextraordinary you don’t need to spendmountains of money to get her attentionwhatever you plan she wants to see thatyou triedthat you made a plan and considered herindividual interestshey it’s okay if your plan ultimatelyfalls throughit’s all right if things don’t goexactly the way you wanted them tosometimes mistakes can makeunforgettable memorieseven if everything goes wrong she maylike you morebecause you cared enough to try
Number eight
all up what topicsshould you avoid on a first date manymen gotoo deep too fast a first date is notthe right place to talk about yourfuture familyit’s not the right place to criticizeyour exes or reflect on personal traumaon a first date you should get to knoweach other on a basiclevel you want to see if you havechemistry if you make each other laughif you can hold a steady conversation sodon’t get ahead of yourselfdon’t suddenly reveal your deepestdarkest secretsyou’ll get to know each other over timebut right now just keep all thoseskeletonsinside the closet
Number nine
dominating the conversation how often doyou talk about yourselfon a first date it’s important to sharedetails about your personal lifeyou should tell her about things youlike you should talk about hobbies andpassions you care aboutbut just make sure you’re not dominatingthe conversation many men spend everyminute talking about themselvesyou tell stories you talk about yourcareer you joke about your friendsyou had a great time laughing atyourself but what about herdo you think she’s having as much fun asyou are this is an incrediblyfrustrating experienceso don’t spend the entire day talkingabout yourselfno matter how entertaining you think youare if you want to build chemistrythe conversation has to go both ways askher about herlife encourage her to share her ownstoriesmost importantly listen to everythingshe saysdon’t sit there and wait for your nextopportunity to speakif you’re only interested in yourselfthen you’re to miss your shot
Number ten
playing tricks lastbut not least don’t use tricks to makesomeone like youthere are countless tricks andtechniques circulating aroundbut many of these tricks send confusingsignalssome are downright manipulative theyclaim to winany girl’s hearts but you’re not winningher over you’retoying with her feelings and you’repushing her awaytricks are never the right way to startyour relationshipshe may think you’re uninvested andcareless she may realize howmanipulative you really areeither way those tricks will scare herawayso don’t make the same mistakes menalways makeyou don’t need tricks to make aconnection.