Number one
unproductive work what’s the difference between a busyperson and a productive person well busy people pack their days full of time consuming workbut busy people aren’t always productive on the other hand productive peoplemaximize the efficiency of their timeso productive people aren’t always busy so if you want to be successful take alook at your scheduledo you pack your days full of monotonousbusy workdo you spend hours on useless chores you may be the busiest person in the worldbut that doesn’t make you the mostproductive a successful person may workfifty percent lesswhile accomplishing fifty percent morewhy is that because successful peopleknow that work isn’talways productive just like relaxationisn’t always lazy if you choose wisely you’ll spend everyminute of your time moving forwardand that way every busy day is just asproductive
Number two
recycled ideas do yousurround yourself with clones are you looking for an exact replica ofyourself this bad habit leaves you swimming in the same small pond for the rest of your life you’resurrounded by similar opinions and recycled ideas alright let’s say you believe clouds are made of ice cream and all your friends think the same thing you’ll live the rest of your life thinking clouds are made of ice creambecause no one disagrees with youif you don’t expose yourself to new schools of thoughtsyour opinions will never grow or change for the better so if you want to find success you need to experience diverseperspectives you need to find people who challenge you people who approach the world in adifferent way people who use a frame workthat you don’t understand because these are the people you learnfrom the mostso if you’re surrounded by clones youhear only things you already knowyour opinions are never challenged andyour ideas are never pushedbut if you understand the power ofdiversity then you’ll learn new thingsand you’ll expand your horizons
Number three
criticizing flawsyou have flaws maybe you’re afraid ofpublic speaking or you’re bad withnumbersmaybe you’ve got a big nose or a weirdlaughyou have flaws but so does everyone elseso don’t spend your life worrying abouteverything that’s wrong with youdon’t punish yourself for havingweaknesses otherwise those weaknesseswill control youthey’ll outshine the greatest thingsabout you and they’ll damage yourself-esteemif you want to be successful thenself-esteem iscritical you need self-esteem before youcan believe in yourselfif you don’t believe in yourself thenyou aren’t going to findsuccess so stop focusing on your flawsand start acknowledging your strengthsinstead of criticizing yourselfencourage yourself praise yourselfconcentrate on the things that make youunique things that make you cleverintelligentand funny everyone has strengths justlike everyone has weaknessesso identify yours and learn to embracethem
Number four
toxic approvaldo you have toxic people in your life doyou care what they think of youthis is a difficult habit to break youspend so much timeworrying about what people think of youespecially people who are judgmental andcriticalyou want them to like you to notice youbut you don’t need their approval tofind valuechances are these toxic people aren’tyour real friendsthey’d likely betray you in a heartbeatso don’t worry about what they thinkdon’t live your life in search of theirapproval because these toxic people willsteal away your self-esteemthey’ll rob you of your confidence andthey’ll hinder your lifelong successso if you have a toxic person in yourlife create a healthy amount of distancedon’t let their judgments and criticismsweigh you downbe proud of yourself youraccomplishments and your potential [Music]
Number five
playing pretend are youtrying to be something that you’re notpeople can tell if you’re not the realdeal in your personal and professionallife faking your identity is a recipefor disasternot only will others lose respect foryou but you’ll sabotage your ownhappinesssometimes you can fake small things justto get byyou can fake a smile you can pretend tobe confidentbut you can’t pretend to be a differentperson you shouldn’t chase or dream ofgoals that don’t reflect who you reallyareyou may spend most of your day staringdown at your phone browsing social mediaand comparing yourself to othersyou might be constantly checking forlikes comments and other forms of onlinevalidationyou should stop doing this these thingsdon’t reflect real life they’re justanother form of pretendingso come on be true to yourself yourstrengths and your passionsthey may not be cool or exciting theymay bore most people to deathbut hey you like them they’re importantto youand that’s all that matters
Number six
short-term comforts success isn’t always comfortable the easiest decisions are rarely the most productive alright let’s say you want to learn a song on the piano but you don’t know how-to play you could memorize that specific song or you could learn how to read music the first is a comfortable short-term reward the second is a challenging long-term skill set so which one do you think will benefit you the most if you want to be successful don’t takeshortcuts don’t settle for the easiestoptionchoose the most challenging path becausethose challenges push you furtherultimately success isn’t about smallindividual goalsit’s about growth it’s about makingprogress and to do that you need to bechallenged
Number seven
lack of directiontoo much planning can drive you crazy ifyou try to plan every step of the wayyou’re never going to start but zeroplanning is evenmore destructive without a plan you’rewalking in the darkyou don’t know where you’re going or howto get there so you never dothat’s why successful people plan theirgoalsthey form strategies to get from onecheckpoint to anotheryour strategies won’t always pan outsometimes a new opportunity presentsitselfand your plan will take a sudden turnbut hey that’s okayyou can always rewrite or restructureyour planit’s helpful to rewrite your plan on aregular basisbecause your goals will change over timeas you get closer to those goalsthey’ll grow more specific you’ll get abetter understanding of what you likeand what you don’t years ago you mayhave dreamt of a careeron wall street but after finding a nichein your fieldyou discover a passion for somethingelse without a plan you’ll never get farenough to growyou’ll get lost before your goals growspecific or concreteso make a plan right now it could bethree simple stepsit could be ten or twenty but don’t letanother day go bywithout a sense of direction
Number eight
living in fear successrequires riskand to take a risk you have to stepoutside of your comfort zonemany people hide inside their comfortzones in their bubble they feel safeunderstood and confident but if youspend your lifeliving in fear your goals and dreams aregoing to pass you byyou’re going to miss opportunity afteropportunity because you were too scaredto take that riskso stop this bad habit it’s important toknow your strengths and comfortsbut you should use those strengths as astarting pointand that way you can venture intosomething newalright let’s say you’re a fantasticwriter but you want to bea musician so you start by writing asong or twothey don’t have to be perfect they don’teven have to be good what’s important isthat you tooka small risk once writing a song feelscomfortable then take another small riskand then another and keep pushing everystep of the wayeventually your comfort zone will growall the things you once thought wereimpossible will feel comfortableand easy
Number nine
respect versus idolization who do you look up to do you have a role model or a mentor it’s helpful to learn from someone whocame before you you should pay attentionto their mistakes follow in their footsteps and use theirwisdom to help yousucceed but there’s a big difference between respecting a role mode land idolizing them many people treattheir role models likedeities or superheroes they place themon a lofty pedestalthey swear their role models can do nowrong like they’re more than humanbut your role models are people justlike you they make mistakes they havebad days they lose motivation and fallflat on their facejust like you they began with nothingbut a dreambut over time they chased that dreamuntil it finally came truelook my point is your role models aren’tperfectyour mentors aren’t superhuman it’s easyto idolize the people you admire butremember that they’re people just likeyouanything they accomplished you can too
Number 10
Self-inflicted delays what’s the biggest barrier between you and your success is it your environment your social circle your educational back ground no the biggest barrier between you and your success is your own fear most people don’t succeed because they get scared somewhere along the way they had goals they had dreams but they didn’t have the courage or perseverance to chase them yes life can get in the way some times there’s nothing you can do and that’s okay just make sure that you are never the reason you don’t succeed if your car breaks down fine if your business partner leaves you out to dry there’s not much you can do but don’t let your fears keep you from doing anything don’t be the reason your goals are sitting on the back burner.