It’s a matter of 1992 olympic, Derek Redman was almost ready to win 400 meters print race people had lot of expectation on him and even Derek was confident about winning the race but as race crossed 150 meters Derek suddenly started feeling pain in his leg he was in so much pain that he sat in the middle of the race actual reason for the pain was the hamstring injury, his leg hamstring was teared therefore he was unable to stand, but after few minutes he forcefully made himself stand and with that pain he start running in the race he was in so much pain that his eyes were filled with tears but still he ran he didn’t give up he ran, by looking him like this, one person crossed security and came to Derek that man was Derek’s father, he supported Derek and left him as he reached near the finish line after which he completed that race alone while crying after all this obviously Derek was last to complete that race but even after that 65000 people in that stadium gave standing Ovation to Derek people gave more respect to Derek compare to the person who won the race why? because Derek in that race behave like a real man he knew that he won’t win the race and he can quit but still he chose to complete the race over his pain and that Real Man Attitude became the reason why still many people remember Derek who came last compare to the person who came first see many people when get ditched or when faces any negative experience they become close heart people means if anyone cheats them they never get into relationship if any friend betray them then they never make friends this way they close themselves from the world after getting any negative experience so that they never face them again in their lives but people with strong masculine nature, people who attracts people alot are the ones who remains open even after getting negative experiences in their lives they face the world like a real man by which their Testosterone level increases and in return they become more manly, even you should be the same therefore lesson
no.1 Live with Open heart even when it hurts if you notice that almost everything in this world is in two opposites opposite of day is night, love has hate, life opposite is death sweet opposite is bitter, similarly everything has two opposites which also helps in lifting life and on building an attraction biggest example of it is a Man and a Woman, both gets attracted to each other you must have heard that Opposite attracts now if some people say that No Now a days same sex people also get attracted to each other- Homosexuals then even in them attraction builds when one partner plays masculine role and other plays feminine role, one is active then other is a passive partner means for attraction it is important to be opposite however every individual has mixture of masculine and feminine nature but in general sense 80 percent Men has More masculine nature whereas in girls there is more feminine nature In Masculine nature The main priority is to complete their mission and to search their freedom whereas the priority of feminine is to search for love both are important and we all have mixture of it but today i will focus on masculine nature and share 5 points on men which help them to improve their masculine nature and also help them to attract opposite means feminine and other people too i have already shared first point now lets move to the second point suppose there’s a boy who’s parents love him a lot they love him so much that they fulfil all his demands they buy best things for him and fulfil all his demands and usually he never hear No With such mollycoddle that boy was brought up and whenever he needs money he ask his parents and for any small work he takes help from his family this way his entire life gets depend on his family on the other side there’s another boy even his parents love him a lot but due to financial problems they don’t fulfil all his wishes because of which since early age he get used to of hearing No therefore he become independent, he do all his work by himself he take care of himself and whenever he needs money he starts working and earn money by himself now between these two who you think will be more Masculine who would be the one out of these two who will able to face life problems more maturely who will be able to take care of himself in more better way the one who have seen the tough life since childhood or the one who cries after facing small rejections well its quite extreme,
but truly if a boy stays dependent on his parents and always stay under the shell of their expectations and criticism then he won’t be true man, because as i said before Masculine nature means Search of freedom therefore the second lesson is Live as Your Father is Dead I know you many find this a rigid statement but if you want to be a real masculine man then instead of becoming dependable on your father become a man on whom other wants to get dependent suppose there’s a boy who loves a girl very much now because he loves her a lot hence whatever she tells him, he do exactly the same without thinking much in fact he love her so much that in front of her he never values his own knowledge and opinions example: he truly believes that Alcohol is not good for health and he ask others to not drink alcohol but one day when that girl tells her that No Alcohol is not that bad and we can drink it then instead of saying No, That it isn’t, He says That yes you are right its not that bad and we can have it now he do all this because he feels that if he listens to her only then that girl will like him but fact is these type of boys are usually the ones who go into friend zone or brother zone why? because that boy isn’t value his own knowledge and opinions he don’t have value for his own believes and opinions and when someone doesn’t value his own-self then why would others respect him or value him forget about relationships,
hence if you want to be a real masculine man then always value your believes and opinions don’t change your believes just to impress others if they say something logical then do change but just to impress then a big NO Because it is not good for both of them example: there’s a discussion going on between a couple man says that we should go to hill station by car however wife says that we should go by bus however man has a strong believe that car is the best option for both of them but still he agrees to go by bus just for his wife as the journey starts that girl starts vomiting and because that bus isn’t a private vehicle hence they can’t stop it in the middle because of which that girl gets sick and their entire trip gets spoil after which that man pent up his entire anger on his wife and blame her for everything which hurts both of them see when a man takes decision on the basis of his own believes even when that decision goes wrong, he will learn from it and improve and grow but when he takes decision on the basis of others perspectives if then decision goes wrong at that time he will blame her or others for it either by saying or by keeping in mind and if that decision goes right then it will decrease their confidence therefore lesson no. three never change your opinions just to please others as i said in the previous point, that a man should never change his believes or opinions just to impress a girl or others, same way a real man should never keep any one above his passion even though that person is your partner example: recently i have watched Gully boy, in that movie Ranveer loved a Aalia Bhatt very much but the thing which helped him to forget aalia bhatt was his Love towards Rap somewhere his passion means Rapping was above Aalia bhatt Passion should come first Men Masculine nature improves gets strong when a man search a definite purpose and work on it with bottom of his heart without allowing anyone to come above it and when he do it then people starts liking him and automatically gets attracted towards him many people ask me Sir how we can impress girls then answer for this is if you give priority to any girl more than your passion or life then many a times this thing would not be liked by that girl instead pf getting attracted by it, she may leave you hence never keep anyone above your life or passion love them care for them, but just to impress them don’t forget your purpose or passion because not forgetting aim purpose can have high chances of that girl gets attracted towards you if she won’t get attracted then for sure better and more great people get attracted towards you therefore lesson fourth:
Make a clear purpose and follow it with heart to become attractive masculine nature man there were two men one was very rich and other was very poor when asked to poor men, why he is so poor? to the question he replies- i am so poor because since childhood i have faced many problems my father was An Alcoholic my mother was a house wife, we had financial problems therefore i didn’t able to study and fail to become successful after which when asked to rich man that how he became so rich? to that he replied- i able to become rich because i had faced many problems since childhood my dad was an alcoholic, my mom was a house wife, we faced financial problems, didn’t able to study but still because of all this i learned to earn money since childhood i really worked hard and that thing made me so successful today see you will find many people who will blame family luck for their not so successful life example: their parents don’t give them money, their brothers are not good, they have family issue therefore they don’t get time etc, however few people with real masculine nature face same problems same situations still able to remove time for working on their purpose which in return make their life beautiful same Gully boy example: Ranveer family had lot of issues but instead of making those problems an excuse, he made it his life motivation and changed his life therefore last 5th point Don’t use your family as an excuse