Today we’re going to learn about seven types of people to completely avoidnow let’s begin number one the projector this toxic personality can wreak havocon your happiness and self-esteemtheir judgmental personalities dish outcriticismsleft and right dismantling your successas often as they can if you look stunning in a new jacketthey’re going to knock you down a pegif you win an award they’re going tounder mine your achievements that’s just the way their toxic mindworksbut why do projectors insult criticizeand attack the people in their lives the projector has one fundamental flawbelow that vicious exterior is aninsecure and unhappy person well to put it plainly projectors justdon’t like themselvesthey can’t accept themselves for whothey are they’re not proud of what theycan door what they’ve achieved for many peoplethis kind of unhappiness motivates changeit encourages them to take action toimprove and to growbut projectors ignore their self-hatredby channeling their unhappinessinto other people they don’t feel proudof or happy for their friends becausethey just can’t experience thoseemotions for themselvesthat’s why projectors adopt a negativeattitude toward the world around themthey convince themselves that the worldis full of unhappy and self-loathingpeopleit’s a negative and discouraging thoughtbut it makes projectors feel betterabout themselvesso what happens when someone in theirlife seems happywhat happens when a friend or a partnerbegins to find successwell a projector makes it theirresponsibility to bring you downthey want you to be unhappy andunfulfilled just like they arebut don’t let a projector steal awayyour pride don’t take their criticismsto heart becausethey’re not trying to help you they’retrying to even the playing fieldthey may not realize how unhappy andunsatisfied they arebut you can so get rid of the projectorsin your lifeyou’ll be a whole lot happier withouttheir constant negativitynumber two the gaslighter gaslighting isa form of emotional abuse that’srecently come into the spotlightpeople have begun to realize just howcommon gaslighting is but this commonkind of manipulation has been around forsome timeso what is gas lighting well to gaslightsomeone is to make them question theirown judgment or perceptionfor example you may believe that yourfriends and familylove you but a gaslighter may try toconvince you otherwisethey may spread false informationclaiming that your friends and familytalk about you behind your backthat false information creates distrustit damages your relationships with yourfriends and familyand that gives the gaslighter morecontrol over your lifeand hey that’s ultimately what agaslighter is after controlthey want you to doubt yourself theywant to make your decisionsfor you so they force you to rely onthem when you depend too much on agaslighterthey begin to take over your life avoidthis vicious cycle at all costsdon’t let anyone make you question yourown sanitypeople will try to spread self-doubtgaslighters will tell you that you’reruining everythingor that everything is your fault butit’s not there’s a reason you feelconfused and frustrated by these momentsof uncertaintyit’s because someone is trying tomanipulate youso instead of falling for their tricksjust make some spacetake some time to think on your ownbecause you may have a gaslighter inyour lifenumber three the backstabberbackstabbers look like trustworthyfriendson the outside they seem like people youcan rely on they sayyou can trust me but then when you leavethe room they betray youthey spill your secrets andvulnerabilities they act like differentpeopleand you realize your friendship meansnothing to thembackstabbers don’t value the trust orconfidence that other people place inthemthey see each of their friends as pawnsin a gamethey act like your friend until the timeis right and then they throw you underthe busso how do you know if you have abackstabber in your lifethink about the secrets you trade withyour friends they may know everythingabout youbut how much do you know about thembackstabbers know a lot more than theytellthey dive into the vulnerabilities ofothers without exposing their own weakspotsthis dynamic creates a lopsided trustyeah you trust them but they don’t trustyou and it becomes easy for abackstabberto betray you you have something to losebut they don’t for trust to meansomething it has to be mutualtrust is an exchange of weaknesses youboth have something to gainand something to lose there’s anothereasy way to pick out a backstabberjust think about which of your friendshave betrayed you in the pastif this person has broken your trustbefore there’s a greater chance it’llhappen againyeah accidents do happen and it’simportant to remember that people domake mistakesbut if your friend intentionally breaksyour trust especially more than oncethey’re making a choice to hurt youbackstabbers are often hugegossipers they’ll gossip abouteverything to everyone except they nevergossip about youright wrong gossipers almost alwaysgossip about even their closest friendsand when the gossiper is caughtthey’ll deny everythingnumber four the bad listenernext we have one of the most frustratingpersonalities on this listbad listeners have one thing in commonthey care farmore about their own thoughts than thewords coming out of your mouthin fact they’re so buried in their ownthoughts they can barely registeranything you saybad listeners show their poor listeningskills in a few different waysthey give lackluster one-word answersthey talk constantly about themselveseven if the conversation isn’t aboutthem they interrupt other peoplewhenever they want to because they wantto hear themselves talknow all of these bad habits tell you thesame thing this person doesn’t careabout othersand they probably don’t care about youbut that’s not fairyou deserve to be heard you deserve tomake friends who listen when you talkanyone who isn’t willing to give youtheir attentiondoesn’t deserve yoursnumber five the peacock peacocks careway too much about what other peoplethinkthey govern their lives according toother people’s opinionswhy because they can’t tell thedifference between attentionand self-worth they broadcast anoverconfident boisterous exterioralthough the person underneath is veryinsecurethat’s why they try so hard to be thecenter of attentionthey think being liked is the same thingasliking yourself making friends with apeacock can be frustratingthey seem like good people at heart butthey crave status above all elsethey think of everything in terms ofexternal value or social charismathat’s why many peacocks become bulliesand betray their friendsif you’re not cool enough for themthey’ll turn on youpeacocks have narcissistic tendenciesthat are usually easy to spotif they’re always standing in front ofthe mirror or care way too much abouttheir social media profilesthis person may be a peacock the bestthing you can do is to make some spaceover time many peacocks leave theirshallow cravings behindbut until that happens it’s best to keepyour distancenumber six the saboteur this dangerouspersonalitycan and will stand in your way ofsuccessmany accomplished people have grown andcompeted alongside intellectual rivalsa rival is someone you respect admireand compete withbut good rivals want to see each othersucceed that’s what makes your rival ryworth while you may fight tooth and nail againsteach other but you ultimately pusheach other to improve you chase your rival because you admire themand they chase you for the same reasonon the surface a saboteu racts like a rival they compare theirsuccess to your successthey measure their accomplishments by your standardsbut saboteurs don’t push you to improveinstead they step on your toes they tie together your shoelacesand then they hope you fall flat on yourfacewhy because saboteurs refuse to beout done like projectors they feel insecure whenother peopleout do them but unlike projectors thesa boteuris often lazy and unmotivated to succeedon their own they discourage the success of other people because they don’t want to put inthe workalright let’s try an example let’s say you’re thinking of going back to schoolto get an advanced degreeyour friend wants to go back to school too but they don’t want to write theiressaysyou begin to pull ahead of them so yourfriend tries to bring you down they convince you to slack off on yourwork they try to distract you fromwriting your essays because your success feels like their failuresaboteurs will do anything andeverything to keep you downso kick these people out of your life ifyou let them stay too longyou might just pay the pricenumber 7 the steamrollerthis is a personality type you want toavoid completelysteamrollers run over everyone in their path they don’t care about your needs orpreferencesthey don’t think about inconveniencing you or wasting your time the simple truth is they don’t valueanyone’s goalstime or money nearly as much as their own let’s say you’ve been waiting months togo to a concert you’ve been talkingabout it non-stop you can’t wait to go but on the night of your concert yoursteamroller friend demands a small favoryou tell them you’re busy they don’tcare they don’t respect your spaceinstead they expect you to bend to theirwillbecause your needs come second to theirsand here’s the worst part friends givein to the steamroller’s outrageousdemandsthey don’t know how to fight back ormaybe they’ve just stopped tryingeither way steamrollers learn that they can charge their way through lifedon’t be one of the poor people in theirpath leave these people behind because no one should take your needsfor granted.