Today we’re going to learn about foursigns you have an attractive personalitynow let’s begin number onemature responsibility do you take yourcommitment seriouslywhen you make a promise do you followthrough we associate attractiveness withtraits like confidence and charismabut what about responsibility what abouttrustworthinessthese important traits fly under theradar but responsible people are some ofthe most attractive partnersso why is responsibility a desirabletraitit tells your partner that they candepend on you a responsible person makesgood decisionsa responsible person does the rightthing whenever they canthey’ll honor their commitments andthey’ll always follow through00:51to a potential partner responsibilitymeans trustand trust may be the most importantthing in a relationshipto create a deeper emotional connectionpartners must trust each otheryou and your partner have to protecteach other’s secrets weaknesses andvulnerabilitiesso if you’re a responsible person yourpartner knows they can be openand honest with you becauseresponsibility in many waysdemonstrates both integrity and respectnot only are you a respectable personbut you make sure your partner feels thesame level of respectand admiration there’s another importantreason why responsibility is inattractive traitsresponsible people create stable anddisciplined lifestylesthey tend to find more success in theircareers because they’ve taken ownershipof their goals and aspirationsresponsible people also create strongerfriendshipsbecause their friends can trust and relyon themresponsible people stay in control oftheir lives that control breeds a uniquetype of independence and maturitywhich many partners find irresistiblematurity is another trait we commonlyassociate with attractivenessbut maturity and responsibility arealmost alwaysintertwined you can’t really have onewithout the otherpartners want to know that you’recapable of making mature choices andthat requires a level of growth andresponsibilityresponsibility is a sign of truststrength and maturityall of those traits make yourpersonality incredibly attractivenumber two courageous kindnessare you a kind person how do you knowthis can be a challenging question toanswerkindness like responsibility doesn’tmake a big sceneit’s not a show stopper it doesn’t turnany heads yet kindness may be the mostsought after trait on this listso why is kindness so widely desiredthe world is full of critical andjudgmental peoplepeople who want to bring you down peoplewho want to make you feel insecureor undermine your success everyone knowspeople like thisthey may be your friends your exes orjust strangers on the internetyou know how bad it feels to interactwith someone who isn’t kind to youthey belittle you they silence you andthey act like your feelings don’t matternow a kind person on the other handmakes someone feel heardyou validate their feelings supporttheir struggles and you push them toimproveso if you’re a kind person you’re alwaysthere when people need youeven if they didn’t ask for your help ofcourse kindness can mean a lot ofdifferent thingsthe street by empathizing with theirmisfortunesyou may show kindness to your bestfriend by simply listening to theirproblemsno act of kindness is better or worsethan any otherbut only a select few people choose tobe compassionate when it’s not requiredif you’re a kind person you show empathywhen no one is watchingthat’s what separates one kind actionfrom a genuinely kind personif you do something altruistic to earn arewardthat isn’t kindness yeah your behavioris helpfulthat’s a good thing but a kind persondoesn’t thinkwhat’s in it for me or why should i helpthemif you’re a kind person you’re kind forthe sake of being kindreal kindness requires more than just analtruistic spiritit requires courage and perseverance inmany situations it’s notthat wayyou may for example encounter someonewho’s being ridiculedit’s easier to mind your own business towalk away and focus on your own problemsthem they’re willing to show empathywhen it’s easyand when it’s difficult that’s whatmakes kind people like youso attractive to potential partners youaren’t just empathetic or a goodlisteneryou’re courageous you take action andyou stand up for what’s rightyou’re doing something that very fewpeople ever doand that earns you the respect andaffection of all kinds of peoplenumber three infectious passionare you a passionate person passion hasmany definitionsto some passion means hours of hard workchasing your ambitions until you succeedto otherspassion is an investment in your lovedones or your communitypassion may mean planning dates showingphysical affectionor buying thoughtful gifts for a partneras different as these threedefinitions sound they’re all describingthe same type of personalityyou are passionate and your passion isattractivebecause you’re not afraid to care aboutthe things and people in your lifewhether you care about your job yourpartner or a cause that matters to youyou’re willing to make personalinvestments and those investmentsmotivate you to workthink and care about the people in yourlife passionate people like youare some of the most inspiring people tospend time aroundyour dedication is infectious andencourages othersto make similar investments in theirlivesmost of the world is ambivalent aboutmost things a lot of people haveinterests and ideasthey can rattle off a list of thingsthey’d like to do or want to bebut how many people put in the hard workto accomplish those dreamshow many people are willing to makesacrifices for something or someone thatthey lovealright let’s say you love to playguitar you tell everyonehow much you like to play music you saythat you want to be a professionalmusician somedaybut here’s the problem despite how muchyou talk about playing the guitaryou hardly ever do it you like the ideaof playing the guitarbut you don’t follow through you don’ttake actionwithout action an idea is just an ideait never materializes into anything realbut passionate people cross thatboundary if you’re a passionate personyou pursue your ideas and transform theminto real life achievementsyou could say the same thing aboutpassion in your relationshipsyou may talk about being a good partnerand in theory you want to make yourpartner feel loved heard and supportedbut how often do you actually do thosethingsi mean how often do you make sacrificesfor the person you loveremember a passionate person is notafraid to make investmentsthe passionate person shows that theycare if you aren’t afraid to take actionand show that you careyou have an attractive personality [Music]number four vulnerable confidenceit’s no secret that confidence isattractive it stands at the top of mostpeople’s listsbut let’s dig a little deeper if you’rea confident personwhat makes your personality attractivewhy does self-assurance make you a moreappealing partnerconfidence has a powerful psychologicalimpactlike passion your confidence ripplesoutwardif you’re confident in yourself you maynotice that other people are moreconfidentaround you you’re able to find andembrace your strengths and thatencourages your friends and partnersto follow in your footsteps they seeyour confidence in everything you doin the way you speak act and carryyourself they’re inspired by thefearless way you display yourpersonality to the worldbecause it’s hard to be yourself isn’titwe hear one piece of advice all the timebe yourselfbut yourself is one of the scariestthings you can beit’s much easier to act like someoneelse or to tone down your truepersonalitythat’s an issue that many insecurepeople face they immerse themselves insocial situationsbut they’re scared to let their realpersonality showthey display to others a muted versionof themselvessomeone who’s distant aloof and carelessthis person may think they’re playing itcool but in reality they’re presenting awatered-down version of who they reallyare and that makes them less attractiveto the confident people who want to seetheir real selvesconfident people on the other hand puttheir individuality on displayas a confident person you show the worldexactly what kind of person you arebecause you’re not afraid to embraceyour flawsyou like who you are and you want otherpeople to see your quirksthose quirks are usually the mostlovable things about youso you frame them and advertise them tothe worldconfidence is also related to your senseof humor anotherattractive personality trait if youdon’t have confidence you may hide yourgreat sense of humor below the surfaceyou may not show people how funny orclever you really arebecause you’re not confident in thethings you sayon the other hand if you’re a confidentperson you use your sense of humor toshow others how fun you can beyou’re not afraid to make jokes takesocial risks or make a fool out ofyourselfif you make a mistake you can laugh atyourself instead of feeling embarrassedor insecure before other people canlaugh with you you have to be able tolaugh at your own failures you have to confidently accept yourselfflaws and allif you can do that you have an attractive personality.