Well If you are like me or like 99 percent of people then doing this is nearly impossible for you. If not other things then one thought will definitely come in your mind “THAT I WILL NOT THINK ANYTHING FOR 2 MINUTES, MY MIND IS ALL BLANK, HOW MUCH TIME IS LEFT Something or somewhat like this will definitely run in your mind in those 2 minutes because the truth is our brain always think and work, We Dream while sleeping our Brain Keeps Working for 24/7 365 days It’s not like we thing about only one thing for most of the time, Now a days we think about most of the things, and truly this is not the right it’s not good for us Because Its Ruining our Attention Span and Focus Capability Example: In An Article i have Read that todays Attention span of people has remained to 8 seconds But Many people called it a Myth, But however You will agree to one thing that now a days its very difficult for us to concentrate on one thing Now there are many chances that while watching this video you must be thinking many things related to it instead of watching this video with full focus and concentration and many people will not see this video till end not because its not Interesting but because We have very less focus and concentration level remaining within us Example: A Research shows if any sites take more than 3-4 seconds to open then more than 20 percent people will close that site 50 percent people don’t go to the Restaurant where it takes lot of time for a food to get served Hence i request to all Restaurant owners that please serve food asap to people like me or can face loss let’s give you a big example, Amazon has come to know that if their website is 1 second slow while opening then they can face 1.6 billion dollar loss every year Google has come to know that If Google’s Search Engine is late or slow with just 4/10th second then they will face 8 million searches loss per day with all these examples i just wanted to say how much distracted life we are living now a days which is not at all good and which is causing mental related issues now 6 people out of 8 are facing Stress related issues which further creates many problems in their lives & many people take drugs and do other bad things to come out of stress & constant dangerous thinking people do dangerous and hurtful things just to relax their brain for something Nowadays maximum people’s mind is controlling them, however opposite should happen we should learn to control our mind,
but 99 percent people are failing to do that and this thing is proved by this video Starting Challenge Now this is the Fact that maximum great ideas and plans don’t come in thinking or stressed brain ideas and plans come when our brain is relaxed and calmed Example, When Newton Was Relaxing beneath tree at that point he got the idea of Gravitational Force similar thing happened with Einstein and many great people, Many Great ideas came to them when their mind were relaxed Therefore today in this video we will learn that how we can learn to control our mind with which we can use our powerful brain in proper way and can use it for our life success So let’s Begin No.1) Watch The Thinker Suppose you are watching your favourite show and while watching that show you hear traffic voice more than that show voice or from the TV Other noises comes more than the show voice will you able to enjoy that show forget about enjoying will you able to watch it. Well same thing happened with our brain, at any point of the time Our Brain keeps on Analysing things continuously. Our brain see things and situation analyse it, our brain keeps on judging Labelling and criticising things Our Brain Keeps on Analysing what is Right and Wrong and how much that thing will affect it etc All these things keep on EATING OUR Brain ENERGY which then turn into Noises and stop us doing our Important work which is really necessary to do like finishing goals or studies etc So what you must to do to deal with it Nothing, Just Learn to observe your thoughts Observe what kind of thoughts rises in your mind and when it is rising when you do this then very big thing will happen YOU WILL REALISE THAT YOU ARE NOT YOUR BRAIN And Your Brain is just a Survival Tool which helps you to live and Survive Now You must find this little Weird, But Author says That Knowing and understanding That You are not Your Brain is really great for your Mental health and peace Instead of saying why it is important, I will Make you know the ways to Observe your thoughts Example: You must have Noticed in Movies, That if A HERO Does anything wrong Then we say that He did Wrong, he shouldn’t have done it but when same thing is done by them in real life then they don’t realise it and don’t find it wrong why because in movies we notice things by being Neutral, notice Heroes emotions,
thoughts and behaviour Therefore we able to think Correctly in a right way Similarly if you think yourself as a hero of your life and notice your behaviour and emotions bye being neutral and by not judging anything then with this slowly you will learn to control your brain Not only thoughts you should learn to observe your emotions too that when you are angry, happy and sad similarly learn your body language too, all these things will give control of yourself and slowly you will learn to do your work with full focus without getting distracted with useless noises No.2) Future Present Past Almost Every Individual spend most of their Time in Two Time Period Either by living in Future or by living In Past Author says that People who Live in Future such people does every work no matter how small work it is They do it to achieve an End For example: if they are washing their hands then while washing their hands they think and after washing my hands i will have my food and when they eat food at that time they think that after eating food i will play PUBg Game This way whatever work they do, they will do it to achieve a Future Event And people who live in past, always think about past things whether they are doing anything or just sitting For example: While washing hands they keep on thinking how they were Playing PUBg game how they lost a winning game, how they had an argument with his friend etc Author says that by living in these two time period our brain can’t go to the Ultimate state which is best for us to do our work If you want your brain to give best performance without taking stress then it is very important for you to learn to spend maximum time by being in the present moment I know you must have heard this a lot many times that Live in the Present But Are you seriously living your present like a present (gift), I don’t think so… It is very important for us to remind ourselves the importance of living in the present moment now very important i will share two ways with which you can learn to live in the present moment No.1- ASK YOURSELF THAT AM I BREATHING RIGHT NOW The moment you ask this to yourself immediately your focus will go to your breathing and at least for few seconds you will learn to live in the Present Meditation is a long form of this technique just to live in the Present In Meditation we keep our entire focus on our breathing No.2- USE POWER OF NOW FOR EVERY SMALL WORK For example: When You are washing your hands, then just concentrate on washing your hands Notice how water is coming on your hands, smell the fragrance of a soap Use all your senses for small work, which consumes the maximum time of your day These simple things will slowly and gradually improve and increase your concentration level No.3) Pain and Happiness Author says that maximum people are like a Beggar who is sitting above the box for years and begging for money , but have no idea that in the box in which we are sitting that box had lot of gold Suppose there’s a couple who are together from many years,
but suddenly they start fighting for every small thing they used to create big arguments Why This Happens? Because most of the time the old things which hurt us, we try to forget it But those things doesn’t get fully healed within us we never forget it and it get stored in our mind and later it trigger small things and come out as an anger now again this happens because we never forget the past completely and we can’t forget because if we forget our past then how we will identify ourselves, that who we are and because of this it is very difficult for us to forget about our past But Living in past bring GUILT, REGRET, BITTERNESS AND HOSTILITY IN our Lives And Living in future brings stress anxiety and worry in us hence again it is very important for us to live in present to avoid lots of pain which we can do by learning from point 1 and 2 now don’t take me wrong, it’s not like we should never think about our future and should leave everything and just to do meditation the best example for this is given by TAL BEN SHAHAR he Says Imagine that you are a Mountain Climber suppose if a helicopter takes you till the mountain clip(top) then you will not feel that happiness which you would have got by climbing that mountain by yourself Happiness is not at the top of the mountain and on the other side if you do nothing and just roam near
The mountain has no goal then too you will not get happiness, means doing nothing will also not give happiness But True Happiness is that Experience which you get while climbing the mountain and by reaching at the top Meaning For True Happiness you should set a Goal and should Enjoy the journey which you need to take in order to reach that goal Because by being Present in that Journey will give you true happiness and success.