let us say you’ve had your eye on one particular handbag and wanted for the longest time you’ve saved money and finally you are ready to buy your brand new fashion item but before you do just think of all those retailers eager to sell you a very good replica or in some cases a decent fake of a designer bag really it’s like buying a luxury car for men you have to be very attentive to small details and know everything about your dream handbag that’s why we decided to create a short,
if very useful guide that will teach you how to choose the real thing here are 7 ways to spot a fake designer bag firstly attention to details every single item produced by any famous brand is very carefully checked for defects before its release all of the stitches should be perfectly even and there should be no loose threads or any other visual defects or imperfections all genuine designer handbags are handmade therefore if sellers try to convince you that it’s just a manufacturing defect don’t listen to their stories there’s no such thing as a manufacturing defect for authentic handbags secondly clasps buttons and zippers pay special attention to small things like metal clasps buttons zipper poles plates and locks their quality should be perfect and they should have a number or a name printed on them which is another sign of quality and authenticity for example every,
Hermes bag has the stamp logo Hermes Paris made in France and another stamp on the back of the flag indicating the year and material used spend a little extra time in a shop to check all the smallest details it’s worth it third materials pay attention to the materials because a famous brand doesn’t use rough leather they only use fine high quality materials when you touch them you feel like you are in paradise items with leather trim should not be oily or sticky some designer handbags can be soft and flexible but they all maintain their shape no matter what be extremely attentive and do not be afraid to ask the seller more since fourthly brand names sometimes,
we can get lost in the details and we don’t even notice the main thing the name of the brand surprisingly fake items often have the brand names printed in different fonts smudgy letters or even with misspellings tags and labels are always a giveaway if the spelling of the brand name seems unusual to you put aside the bag and find another seller v serial number a serial number is one of the most important marks of authenticity the label with the number is sealed and attached in a special way making it impossible to remove without damaging fake items usually have a sticker with a number that has just been glued somewhere on the surface it will be easy to notice,
if you take a closer look 6 packaging keep in mind that an expensive designer handbag always has expensive packaging often made of the highest quality materials the package your precious bag comes in to have no color defects whatsoever all the additional accessories should be packed as a whole set with the bag they’re never offered for extra payment or as a gift the last one distinct characteristics before visiting a store do some research on the specific attributes of the chosen brand remember each brand has it’s very own distinct characteristics for example an authentic product item will never use a contrasting color for the lining compared to the exterior color one of the main things you should know about prada is that they always use perfectly matching colors for lining and exterior material as for Dior look for their unique bright red lining with the brand logo woven throughout a shiny super silky lining is a bad sign.