Number one hold in feedback does your opinion matter a man without confidence keeps his opinions to himselfhe believes the world doesn’t care wha the has to say or that his opinions are going to get him in troublehe swallows his feedback objections and criticisms but a confident man knowsthat his perspective is valuable justimagine your boss has to give a presentation but wants your opinion firstso he shows you his work and asks whatyou think do you tell your boss thateverything’s perfect or do you express your honest opinion a confident man willalways express himselfbecause he knows that other people are open to different perspectivesinstead of getting angry or annoyed mostpeople appreciate honest feedback they won’t always take your suggestionsbut it is worthwhile to considermultiple opinions before making any decision so don’t hold your opinioninif you have an opinion express yourself out loud because other people will be glad tohear your perspectivenumber two exaggerate problems we all have bad habits even the mostconfident men stumble in small ways dayafter daybut there’s one big difference in thebad habits of confident andunconfident men alright let’s say youstruggle with pro crastination every time a project comes your way youstall for days or even weeksyou wait until the last second and your work suffers because of itmen without confidence view bad habits as massive unsolvable problems you may dream about fixing your vicesbut ultimately you feel intimidatedby your problems in your mind it takestoo much time and effort to change your way sah but a confident man knows that changestarts smalland builds over time he knows that little adjustments can createlarger solutions a new habit may onlytake 5 or 10 minutes of your time yet that small change could lead youtoward a lifetime of progressso imagine for example working for five minutes whenever you feel likeprocrastinatingfive minutes doesn’t seem like much doesit but that’s five more minutes than youdid the day beforethose five minutes of work could easilysnowball into 10 minutes15 minutes or even a full hour in otherwordssmall changes open the door for larger solutionsthat’s why a confident man tackles his vices on a daily basis he doesn’t worry about dramatic transformations or radical solutionshe improves himself in small ways everyday because a little change goes a long way number three external competition a confident man doesn’t compare him self to other people he doesn’t measure his accomplishmentsby the success of others because there’s only one person you should be comparing yourself toand that person is you now many of us fall into this trap on a daily basis we look at our friends our co-workersour role models and we feel inadequateby comparisonwe compare our lives to theirs and wecriticize ourselves because we feel likewe’ve fallen behindbut a confident man knows there’s nosuch thing asfalling behind so if you want to measureyour own successreflect on your past how motivatedproductive or disciplined were you lastyearlast month or even last week have yougrown since thenhave you made changes or accomplishednew goals these are the only kinds ofcomparisons you should be makingbecause these are the only comparisonsthat are actually fairjust think about how different you arefrom everyone else in the worldwe all come from different backgroundswe all have unique combinations ofexperiencesour personalities have differentstrengths and weaknessesso measuring your success againstsomeone else’s isn’t fairor a good use of your time a confidentman doesn’t try to compete against therest of the worldwhile competition can provide healthymotivation a confident man competes toimprovenot to dominate or prove himself toother peoplenumber four imaginary angerdo you get scared that other people areangry with you if you struggle withconfidence this may be an everyday issueyou may get stuck in negative thoughtpatterns you may overthinkevery situation you may worry about howothers will reactin the end this fear suppresses yourindividualityand stops you from taking chances thetruth ispeople don’t care as much as you thinkyou build up huge negative expectationsin your headbut in reality people are far toopreoccupied with their own livesyou may think you’re annoying someoneelse you may think you’re getting ontheir nerves each daybut this person may not care about youin the slightestin other words you’re scared of afeeling that’s entirely imaginarya confident man doesn’t worry about howothers perceive his actionshe does what makes him happy heexpresses himself whenand where he wants to he is considerateof others he does take their feelingsopinions and boundaries into account buthe does not let the feelings of otherscontrol himhe does not assume that other people areannoyed or angry with himmost of the time anger is imaginary butthere will be times in your life whensomeone does get upset with youthese are the moments we grow so scaredof but a confident man knows thatconflict is a natural part of lifeinstead of trying desperately to avoidconflict you should learn how to handleand defuse conflict when it happens whensomeone is angry with them peoplewithout confidence become rattled andhyper anxiousbut a confident man controls hisemotions he apologizeshe tries to fix the problem and then hemoves forwardbecause that’s really all you can do ifthe other person is still angrythe issue may have more to do with themthan it does with younumber five silent expression do thepeople you knowknow that you like them this issomething many unconfident people dowe’ve all gotten attached to certainpeople in our lives we have family andfriends we see on a regular basiswe frequent certain restaurants andstores we visit the same places andenjoy interacting with the same peoplein your mind you know that you likethese people but do they know that youlike them or are you assuming they canread your mindpeople without confidence rarely expresstheir feelings out loudthey don’t tell their favorite peoplehow important they are so these peoplenever knowthat they matter that’s why confidentmen don’t hesitate to express theirfeelingsthey never assume that others can readtheir minds if someone is important tothemwhether it’s a family member or a clerkat their favorite store they make theirfeelings clearso take a moment to think about thepeople in your life think about yourbest frienddo they know how important they are toyou think about the staff at yourfavorite restaurantdo they know how much you enjoy eatingthere if you rarely express yourfeelingsthe answer is probably no but thesepeoplewant to know that they matter to youtell your best friend how important theyaretell the staff at your favoriterestaurant how much you enjoy theirserviceif someone is a positive influence inhis life a confident man will expressthat positivity out loudso don’t be afraid to express yourselfto the people who matter to younumber six create false impressionsdo you buy things to create a particularimpression do you try to make yourselflook successfulmany unconfident people rely on clothesand carsto compensate for their lack ofconfidence they want others to believethey’re important and successfulthey’ll buy brand name items to createan image of successto trick people into believing there’ssomething that they’re notbut expensive items are just a band-aidcovering a larger issuewhen someone sees you as successful itgives you a rushit makes you feel confident in themoment but when that confidence fadesyou feel just as insecure as you didbefore maybe even moreyou end up chasing that temporaryfeeling instead of building realconfidence for yourselfyou end up buying all kinds of expensivethings in pursuit of that feelingbut money cannot buy you confidence justlike money cannot buy you happinessexpensive clothes and cars create anoutward impressionbut the person inside remains the samethat’s why confident men don’t buythings they can’t affordthey don’t worry about how successfulpeople think they arebecause real confidence comes frominside you if you have real confidenceit doesn’t matter what clothes you wearor what car you drive[Music]number seven ashamed of himself but caryou drive never ashamed of who they arethey don’t try to hide theirindividualitythey embrace their unique qualities andpursue what makes them happya confident man is secure with himselfbut he’s alwayswilling to improve this is a mistakethat countless people makewhen building self-esteem you may viewconfidence as the end of the roadyou imagine that you’ll be finished orcomplete as soon as you find confidencebut finding confidence doesn’t meanyou’re done growingin fact it’s exactly the opposite aconfident man is open to learning newthingsa confident man is happy with who he isbut he’s always searching for new waysto improvebecause a confident man knows thatfinding confidenceisn’t the end of your journey it’s justthe beginning.