Is there anyone in the world who has never had a headache in some cases you can solve this pesky problem by yourselves yet sometimes you should see a doctor immediately therefore we’ve put together a detailed guide to help you identify five types of headaches and the best ways to get rid of them tension headache this is the most frequent type of headache in the world everyone is experienced that at least once in their life here are the main symptoms tension headaches often caused a pressure that feels like you’re wearing a tight band around your forehead you might feel severe tension and spasms around your eyes and upper forehead also you feel a dull knowing pain most often,
the intensity of the pain increases from morning to evening what causes the setting the main factors that seem to contribute to tension headaches or severe stress fatigue poor posture and holding the head in an improper position for a long time chronic tension headaches are rare and often are associated with head or neck injuries how to get rid of it you can take any appropriate painkiller but you should only use them occasionally if headaches occur frequently and last for a long time consult your doctor also try to be physically active stretch your shoulders and neck regularly and spend more time outdoors sinus headache this type of headache is caused by sinusitis it is often accompanied by fever facial swelling and tension in the forehead and cheekbone here are the main symptoms,
you’ll feel a deep pressure and pain in your forehead around the eyebrows and under the eyes the pain usually gets stronger when you move your head sharply this headache might also lead to a running or blocked nose you might feel tired and weak sinus headaches are caused by sinusitis they are also a common complication after a cold or during a seasonal allergy keep in mind that sinus headaches rarely go away on their own if you have an allergy antihistamines may help in other cases it is best to see a doctor who will most probably prescribed anti ALX migraine a migraine is often associated with a violation of the metabolic processes and a dilation of blood vessels in the brain a person may also inherit the ability to get a migraine all symptoms of the severe headache occurred during a migraine attack that progresses through four main stages the first is progerin it lasts for one to two days you feel irritable fatigued and have an increased or decreased appetite the second stage aura it usually lasts up to 30 minutes you become sensitive to light and feel tingling and numbness and might have speech disorders the third one resolution might last up to 24 hours you feel fatigued and have trouble concentrating on daily tasks the last stage the headache itself might last up to 72 hours during which you feel severe throbbing pain unfortunately there’s no cure for migraines although a number of treatments are available to help ease the symptoms you need to see your doctor to choose the right one moreover regular exercise will help you improve your health significantly cluster headache cluster headaches are rare affecting less than 1% of the population they are five times more common in males than females it’s hardly possible to confuse this headache with another one a cluster headache may,
cause a stabbing pain behind or around your eyes usually on one side of your head it frequently develops during sleep the pain usually lasts from 15 minutes to one hour symptoms might include redness of the eyes sensitivity to light and lacrimation scientists don’t know exactly what causes cluster headaches these headaches are most often linked to disruptions in the body’s biological clock treating it can be tricky because the pain appears and disappears spontaneously and at a moment’s notice only a doctor can help you solve this problem hangover we hear many versions of why people often have a headache after drinking alcohol one of them suggests that alcohol causes blood vessel dilation and affects serotonin levels in your body moreover alcohol promotes water loss and dehydration that are major migraine triggers the main symptoms are throbbing or dull aching pain tightness heaviness the best remedy is to take a painkiller drink plenty of water and get some good sleep take a hangover seriously if you have a headache after consuming even a small amount of alcohol it may indicate that you’re suffering from a mild form of migraine we hope you never experience any of these headaches but if you get one of them it’s better to consult a doctor before taking any medication do not self medicate because the consequences can be dire